on 20-09-2013 10:19 PM
Check out what this mum has done to get back at her child! Not sure how to add links so I am putting the listing title...hopefully thats ok.
4 X one direction tickets sydney Friday 25th October
My girls would kill me!!!
on 21-09-2013 11:07 AM
LOL at her ID - that's a bit worrying....
Good on her.
Even if the people don't pay, she only needs to open up an UID to get her fees back. She listed the tickets at $1, so she must have been happy to accept that price for them.
It's really no skin off her nose, she wasn't going to benefit from the tickets anyway, and the money is already spent.
Might be the lesson the girls need - maybe that's their currency.
And she wouldn't be the first person to do something like this on eBay - There was a listing for a photo of a pair of underwear and a condom packet that belonged to the seller's husband and his mistress that she found in their bed.
on 21-09-2013 11:32 AM
on 21-09-2013 11:34 AM
The parent selling the tickets really isn't doing herself any favours by putting all of this personal information out there. No need for all the unnecessary info about her daughters friends, etc. Sometimes a parent needs to issue punishment when necessary but this is a bit excessive Probably the worse punishment for the daughter would be to take away her mobile phone and internet access. That would really hurt!.
on 21-09-2013 12:07 PM
@daydream**believer wrote:ohh yeh, a "horrible mother" that spends at least $500.00 on tickets to a concert for her daughter and 3 friends.
*insert eye roll*
Get over yourself daydream.
Not one person has suggested these kids shouldn't be punished if they have done something wrong.
But the accompanying viciousness in the listing is just not on at all. Regardless of what her daughter has done. I agree with joono - you reap what you sew in terms of your kids behaviour and respectfullness.
on 21-09-2013 01:05 PM
the listing has been ended by the seller.
on 21-09-2013 01:45 PM
get over myself??
We have no idea of the full story of this. We have no idea what this daughter has been up to and how far she has pushed her parents. Yes, the mother gives some details but i have no doubt there are a lot of details left out.
By the looks of it, when the mum announced she was selling the tickets she then copped a heap of prank calls from her daughters friends.
Good on her for showing them all up
on 21-09-2013 01:48 PM
on 21-09-2013 02:26 PM
I think she is an appalling parent.
21-09-2013 02:34 PM - edited 21-09-2013 02:35 PM
I note that she has pulled the listing. Even if she hadn't she still has just over a month to sell them 'properly' with out al the personal baggage included in the listing.
Taking the tickets off her daughter for punishment is fine but airing your dirty laundry out in public is not the way to go.,it is feral, bogan, fishwife behaviour.
on 21-09-2013 07:12 PM
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble. I thought it sounded too 'good' to be true.