on 21-08-2014 02:05 PM
(Personally I would prefer the left and labor voters to pay this debt)
In 2007, when Labor came to power, the Australian Government was COLLECTING more than $1 billion a year in net interest payments on the back of a positive net asset position created by the previous Coalition Government.
Now, we are forced to pay $1 billion a month in interest payments just to service all the debt accumulated by the previous Labor government.
That is means for every one of about 10 million working taxpayers across Australia has to pay about $100 in tax each and every month, or about $1,200 in tax every year, JUST to pay the interest on Labor’s debt
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 22-08-2014 02:31 PM
So Nero, any Idea when you will grace us with your presence with a reponce.
on 22-08-2014 02:48 PM
@love*today wrote:
460.90 a fn is newstart partnered......the mother would receive income for her baby and she may get slightly more than the guy per fn. not sure on mother payments.
I was thinking she said the young man was under 20 so was thinking youth allowance. It's only marginally less though. If he's only been unempoyed for a few months he probably isn't entitled to either YA or newstart yet.
22-08-2014 03:54 PM - edited 22-08-2014 03:57 PM
on 22-08-2014 04:00 PM
@love*today wrote:
I did a quick estimate.....paying $400 a week rent, the mother has 5grand in savings the dad has $9000.00....... She would receive $954 fn, the partner $475 fn.
Not much but it is more than under $500 a fn.
Who is this hypothetical couple you are talking about - it certainly isn't my grandson and his partner?
on 22-08-2014 04:02 PM
on 22-08-2014 04:25 PM
Sorry, but these days people are all a bit touchy about this “the age of entitlement is over” carp.
People are doing it hard, and yet some keep on saying, ”what are you complaining about. You’re overly entitled anyway”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of the money tree economics so popular with some here, and I actual agree change is needed. Bit what is happening at the moment is akin to treating a bunion by amputating the foot.
So if I lost my humour and took what you said the wrong way I apologise.
on 22-08-2014 04:30 PM
@love*today wrote:
Oh my goodness......I lol,ed because you stated that it isn't true.
We will need to disagree, my sis chipped her front tooth. Was in no pain but her tongue was scrapping on the sharp edge so she was put in straight away and cosmetic stuff was applied.
I do feel sorry for the guy you talked about, maybe it's different where you live?
As for wishing for a healthcare card...it was tongue in cheek as I took my two to the dentist this week and I have a few appointments to attend myself 😕
*no wonder people avoid and don't like pollie threads!!!
If the public dentist cant fit you in in an emergency they give you a voucher for another dentist. Thats in Victoria, although I think even health care card holders have to pay a fee here, something around $20 unless you qualify for an exemption.
I havent had to pay much for my kids dentistry lately because weve had the vouchers for the teen dental plan, I have been paying off braces though 😕
on 22-08-2014 04:37 PM
on 22-08-2014 04:39 PM
on 22-08-2014 04:56 PM
Whose deficit?