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I don't know what normal is anymore
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just popping in to say hi.......
Message 921 of 2,234
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awww thanks Krazy I shall check him out!!!!!
Message 922 of 2,234
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Community Member
Hi all.Seems like its been ages since I been in.Somedays it feels like Im taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back at the moment.
Sorry to hear about your daughter Gsheperd.My great nephew has just been diagnosed with epilepsy.He is 7 and is severe autistic.He has only just started to say a few words.He goes to a special school for kids in Melbourne.We start hearing and speech assesmants next week for Nicholas and then off to Dr sturgeon.Nicholas is getting aggitated and shaking when aproached by kids his own age now and has started hitting out at them.Had to stop him from bashing darcy with a cricket bat the other night and he isnt even 3 yet.Life is never boring lol.Im going to go and get the fire going now.And we got 4 chickens last week.Darcy has taken to them and looks after them so well.Cant waite till they give us eggs.
Message 923 of 2,234
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Community Member
Thanks mapalarkin.............just have to get the medication sorted out.

Somedays it feels like Im taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back at the moment

I know exactly how you feel ๐Ÿ˜‰ but like you said....... Life is never boring.

Miss 4 will be bringing 2 chickens home from daycare next week....looking forward to the fresh eggs.

Hey Mizz...........we are moving to Metford in about three weeks. We have been offered a new home over there in the new area.

Cheers for now
Message 924 of 2,234
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Hi all,
We are trundling along here - the workload at school is immense for Mr16, he did a major project spanning 6 mths only to realise when almost finished it didn't meet the criteria - he has had to redo it differently altogether in just 2 weeks, it has been a nightmare, thank goodness for his counsellor at school negotiating changes and extensions for him. He has til Monday to complete it plus 2 other assessment items ๐Ÿ˜ž

His OCD is raging - atm he cannot touch the TV remote, even using a tissue he has to scrub his hands ๐Ÿ˜ž

I keep telling myself it will be worth it in 6mths when he is at uni.... but meanwhile :_|
Message 925 of 2,234
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folks, my heart goes out to all of you as you struggle through these difficult times. For some of you there really is no end in sight and it truly amazes me how well you just keep on going. In our dark and twisty days - I lived by the mantra just one minute at a time. when you got through one minute, then you thought about the next one. In the meantime ladies, keep fighting for your children, be strong for them, but remember to get support for yourselves too - If you are not strong in yourself, it makes the challenges that you are facing so much harder. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. a few minutes at a time.
Message 926 of 2,234
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evening girls :-x things have been so quiet in here lately.

Mizzy, wonderful that your buisness has taken off so well ๐Ÿ˜„ congratulations :-x

Lisa, I hope Jess is feeling a bit better now and things are going more smoothly.
My friend has a long road before being well again, she has had bad health problems for some time, which were finally almost under control, now she has cancer on top of it ๐Ÿ˜ž she has to have radiation followed by a few surgeries.. I have my fingers crossed for her, she was already so weak before this popped up :_|

Hi Kylie!

Krazy, I hope all is well in your life ๐Ÿ™‚

Mapa, how is darcy going with his friend? I hope Nicholas has calmed down.

Rae, thats dreadful, I can only imagine Mr 16s reaction to having to start over ๐Ÿ˜ž Is the OCD raging to do with the stress from it? poor darling.

Hello to everyone else that hasnt been posting :-X

I don't know what normal is anymore
Message 927 of 2,234
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whoa... spooky.. Hiya kylie :-x

I don't know what normal is anymore
Message 928 of 2,234
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Community Member
Morning everyone :-x

Thanks Dolly, The seizure Jess had caused some memory loss, but she is on the mend......Jess need's step by step instruction's on everything (and I mean absolutly everything :_|).

How is your friend's little girl coping Dolly? I really hope your friend responds well to radiation and surgery.

Rae :-x
Message 929 of 2,234
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Lisa, Little girl is ok, her mummy has been in and out(mostly in) hospital for the last 5 months due to the other problems, so she has sort of gotten used to it but still misses her mummy when she isnt home.
Glad Jess is on the mend, the step by step instructions sound like a PITA, hopefully she will start to remember it all soon :-x

I don't know what normal is anymore
Message 930 of 2,234
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