A safe place for all members with friends or family with ASD

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I don't know what normal is anymore
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Interesting link suggesting that some kids with intervention lose their ASD diagnosis!

Message 2191 of 2,234
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I think that is great news... we all live in hope that our kids will be able to grow up and live normal lives and not be dependent on us forever.... 


I am sure my son will.... although on some occasions I sit back and wonder if I will be looking after him forever... 




We have had major issues with school this year.... we got gastro after the floods and he had four days off and then we have had these ongoing stomach problems.... same ones we had for two years...he has had lots of days off this year, he missed four days last week.


He refused to do a stool sample for but testing so the doctor has put him on Flagyl, an antibiotic that targets Gardia and other specific stomach bugs. If this does not work then we step it up and he goes under for a colonoscopy... this will then decide if he has irritable bowel or not. 


It is only one month in and he has had so many days off..... so far behind that it worries me. If it is school that is making him sick then I really need to consider home schooling. 

Message 2192 of 2,234
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Wow cat sounds like its been a tough road for the past month for both of you :(.  In Vic you can do Distance Ed under the supervision of the school, could that be an option?  From memory you are in QLD? if so they may have something similar maybe? 


Does he like school at all or does it cause him constant anxiety?


I have to admit I am so glad we are doing DE, DD's anxiety has improved 100 fold and now she wants to do her work. Such a turn around.  I hope he is ok, sending ya both hugs.

Message 2193 of 2,234
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My son is evidence that early and intense intervention can improve outlooks - well our outcomes are a billion times better than what the "experts" predicted for him.


Big Crikey did 3 subjects through Brisbane School of Distance Education in Grades 9 - 12 - but that was because of timetable clashes at school, one of the subjects he wanted wasn't offered by the school and cos he wanted an additional subject - he was still in regular school for other subjects though.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 2194 of 2,234
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oh - and school monitored his distance subjects - I didn't have much to do with it at all.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 2195 of 2,234
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Bella, he likes school... he does not want to do home schooling as he sees his friends at school.. and like he says he does not want to invite them over so it is good he can see them at school so if I choose DE it will against his wishes... 


I am cheesed off... I emailed all six or seven of his teachers twice yet only three have replied... 


I asked for work missed and explained the situation as most are new teachers.... I don't expect much, just an understanding of the situation and what they can do to help (5 min at the end of class to make sure he knows what he is doing as he will never ask for help) I even told them that I know they have 100's of kids and that their time is precious... One teacher was fantastic and totally gets the situation as she has an Aspie kid as well. Two were great and sent me the work he needed.. all the others have given me nothing.. 


I am doubting that it is anxiety at all.... if it is he hides it so well..... the only time he gets anxious is if we are out shopping for example and I want him to walk into the shop first.... NO WAY will he do that.. Even if he knows the store. The same if we go visiting... I have to walk in first... aarrgghh.... 


Message 2196 of 2,234
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The teachers not responding to you is not good for any student!


Have you spoken to a student co-ordinator or assistant principal? Or maybe the student welfare person?


My boy also suffers anxiety and school is the main trigger - like Bella, I have turned to Distance Ed.  But before that, if he was home (usually suspended X-() then work got sent home for him.  Even after he was no longer welcome at the school, they sent work home until we got him setled in elsewhere.



My younger boy doesn't have ASD, but he does have stomach problems that sound a lot like your boy's. We had to get a stool sample and unsure how to collect it. For the first time ever, we were both happy he didn't make it to the toilet 😞


We don't know what's up with his digestive system, at the moment we are wondering about lactose intolerence and maybe IBS.


You don't have to be crazy to be here, but it helps.
Message 2197 of 2,234
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lol.. stool samples are easy to collect.. for next time this is how you do it... the little pot should have a scoop on the lid... you use an old icecream container or similar... rinse it out with boiling water. make sure they wee into the toilet first... pop the container in and poop away...  put on some gloves (two pairs if you feel like it..lol) and scoop some up into the container with the scoop on the lid. tip the rest back into the loo and throw the container in the rubbish bin. 


make sure you fridge the sample if you can't get it directly to the collection center. 



IBS is our next port of call.... mostly consisting with a diet change but we just need to know what to change it too. 


This year I decided to bypass the SEP unit and I went right to the deputy of the school. She is wonderful and worked very close with my other son when he was badly bullied... she will follow up anything if I need her too. 


I want one teacher to do some one on one with my son. The subject is new and he will have to learn to use Auto CAD... he needs to be totally filled in so he can complete the work. 


That teacher is known for no using email and never calling parents... he will find that if he does not work with me on this there will be a formal complaint. He is old school and does wood work and sheet metal and other trade type things.... but this subject is done on the computer and if he can't get to grips with reading his email then they need to find a more willing and competent teacher. 

Message 2198 of 2,234
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Community Member

For those kids with stomach troubles - have you given them a dose of pro-biotics everyday?  Not yakults, but actual probiotic powder you buy from the pharmacy that is stored in the fridge. This was recommended by our paediatrician and has been fantastic for my daughter's stomach problems.  


I have also stopped giving her processed foods (apart from the occasional treat) and make everything for her, muffins, biscuits, chips, bread etc. and I think the lack of preservatives and colourings have helped.


But the probiotics is excellent.

Message 2199 of 2,234
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Yes... we have had them for the last two weeks to no avail. Far out they cost a small fortune. 



Message 2200 of 2,234
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