Re: About time

Honored Contributor

It might be about time, but it ain't happenin' until 2023


We used to have it back in the 70's.


Dunno why they stopped.

Message 2 of 23
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Re: About time

@imastawka wrote:

It might be about time, but it ain't happenin' until 2023


We used to have it back in the 70's.


Dunno why they stopped.

Regular source of income for kids in thev 50s and 60s.

Message 3 of 23
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Re: About time

Community Member
Yeah, stawka bit disappointed that they want so long to implement it.
Hopefully it's like South Australia and actually creates jobs rather than like NSW with the stupid reverse vending machines
Message 4 of 23
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Re: About time

@martinw-48 wrote:
Yeah, stawka bit disappointed that they want so long to implement it.
Hopefully it's like South Australia and actually creates jobs rather than like NSW with the stupid reverse vending machines

NSW also has normal collection points but can's and bottles have to be un crushed so they are easy to count


when put into the counting racks.

Most arrive there with the stuff in bags and can wait an hour or more to get done when it's easier to put them

back into the boxes and they jusy count them and shove them into a big plastic bag so done in minutes.


There was bit of a problem when they first opened it as recycle bins were being tipped over and the cans and


bottles taken so they could cash them in 


It seems to have eased of now but it was bit strange that the bins that were tipped over were in NSW and the


Vic bins just across the bridge were left alone so it was concluded that who ever was doing it oviously wasn't


to bright and warnings that went out seemed to be effective).

Message 5 of 23
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Re: About time

We have the ' stations ' here - took only the first trip to understand - don't crush.


The strip thing needs to be read.

Message 6 of 23
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Re: About time

I saw an ad on tv a while back saying you can no longer put glass bottles in the bin in Ballarat, so when nobody will be foraging through bins there when the new scheme is introduced. They have to take glass to a drop off point. Don't know why but sounds a bit strange to me, unless they were getting a lot of broken glass in bins.

I think they should have a skip at the end of every street (or two if they're short streets) and make people walk to drop their stuff off in skips, with separate ones for paper, glass, metal, etc. Some would just toss it all into one but overall it'd save a fair bit of sorting - and people would get some exercise as a bonus.
Message 7 of 23
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Re: About time

some will need to get wider homes to fit all the bins across the front


Four bins with red, green, yellow and purple lids sit in a row on the footpath outside a house.

Message 8 of 23
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Re: About time

@joztamps wrote:

@imastawka wrote:

It might be about time, but it ain't happenin' until 2023


We used to have it back in the 70's.


Dunno why they stopped.

Regular source of income for kids in thev 50s and 60s.

But we didn't have recycling bins then. I don't see why I should pay a surcharge when I recycle the bottles anyway, and it would need a full carload to cover the cost of taking them to a deposit centre.

Message 9 of 23
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Re: About time

Yeah, no recycle centre way back when.


Just took 'em to the good old Milk Bar on the Corner.


Then they got the money back from the company.


edit: if you can't crush them, it's gunna be a tad awkward to move them without a car.

Message 10 of 23
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