Advice Needed

I am  sorely in need of advice.

My OH has developed a pattern of going to his GP and requesting a particular script and the GP is simply writing it.

My OH is now taking so much medication it is very worrying.

The Chemist has also commented on the number of scripts.

It is only August and we have now reached the safety net.

I can't speak with the GP as he says that it is patient confidence.

It has  now reached the stage where I am embarrassed to go into the chemist.

Any suggestions? I really am worried.


Message 1 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

Jean are the tabs Pain killers or sleeping pills, is your husband sick and in need of the medication, hard to comment unless I know what sort of medication OH is taking

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

Honored Contributor

Patient confidentiality?


Jean, I go to the doctor's with my hubby and sit in with the consultation.

He forgets what the dr tells him after 10 minutes, so I monitor his medication.


He doesn't have dementia or anything.  He just chooses not to remember stuff.

Says he doesn't have to.  But on the odd occasion that I haven't gone, he can't tell me

the conversation.  So I have to go.   Can't see the dr objecting


So,unless you OH objects,  I would go with him and question the dr

Message 3 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

depends if your OH can manage without this medication, if so.. report the doctor

Signatures suck.
Message 4 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

I agree with Imastawka. You should definitely try to go sit in with him on his next appointment. It's not a bad idea to have him see another doctor as well. I'm not suggesting he switch doctors permanently, but it's sometimes good to get anothers opinions. 

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

I would pull the chemist aside and have a chat to him about it. Tell him you are worried and ask if he can perhaps talk to the doctor about the amount of tablets being dispensed.

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

I'm pretty sure all pharmacists have a legal obligation to report drug abuse
Message 7 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

That sounds v worrying Jean. Am I right in understanding that your OH goes to the Dr and asks for a new script when the old one finishes??


What I would do, is get out all your OH meds..write a list of all of them, and include the dosage info.

Then make an appointment with his Dr and the 2 of you go to his Dr together and ask the Dr if any of the meds have been double dosed, or if they would interfere with one another, or even if they are still necessary...


If the Dr gets tense, dont worry about it- explain that the Chemist made a comment the last time you went to get a prescription filled, and you both wanted to just double check on things..



I hope your OH feels better soon- and maybe he can come off some of the meds he is taking, once the Dr is made aware how much he is taking simultaneously..and yes, the Dr would have all this info on file, but perhaps they may need to revisit the bigger picture...

Good luck.Heart



PS I wouldnt worry at all, or take any notice re what the Chemist has said to need to feel embarrassed either..their comment may have been a bit- 'gosh, you people do come in often', or maybe it was truely out of concern..Whatever the reason, dont feel you need to react to may have just been dumb chitchat.


Message 8 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

Community Member

For a start I would be getting him to pick up his meds from the chemist.  He might feel differently when it's him standing in there feeling like a junkie.


If it's pain meds then he might be feeling that he needs more because they are not working as well now, so perhaps suggest to him that you can visit the doctor with him and you can all discuss better ways to manage his pain or condition.  If he flat out refuses to have you there I don't know.




Message 9 of 21
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Re: Advice Needed

Just curious....have you discussed your concern with your OH and if yes, what does he say about it?

Message 10 of 21
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