Anyone here into living simply?

If so how does it work for you and are you all out living simply or combining the concept with modern day luxuries?  For me its been baking, sewing, growing vege and doing what I can to leave less of a carbon footprint on the planet (although admittedly I have a long way to go!)  What is it for you?

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Anyone here into living simply?

Community Member






Message 2 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

I pooped in a can and bathed in muddy old creek water for 10 years. 😐



I am so loving my new indoor shower and toilet :^O

Message 3 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

We sold up our suburban McMansion not quite two years ago and moved out to a 126 acre property in the sticks.


As it was a flood damaged, abandoned property with no running water or electricity, we started from behind the eight ball, but are slowly working our way towards self-sufficiency, or at least as much as possible without becoming total hippy sock-and-sandal-wearing tree-huggers.


We have chooks and turkeys (for eggs and meat), raising a few cattle and sheep for the freezer and have just started on our vegie garden.


We are also lucky enough to have a permanent creek running around the property, we are currently investigating hydro-electricity.


Our previous home was huge and filled with belongings, we now live in a very simple small cottage and most of the belongings have been sold. I have come to realise that all the "things" were not making us happy, we are happiest grubbing around the property, surrounding by our animals and living very simply. 



Message 4 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

May I ask why you would buy a property that was once flooded, you do know it will happen again dont you.

Message 5 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

Wow Monsters sounds like its worked for you and well done on the progress re the property.  I'm not sure I'll ever be totally self sufficient but I really admire those who are.  I love the country, couldn't quite do an acreage but have a big back yard with a great vege patch no farm animals though although would love a few chooks in the future!!


I'm not sure I could be a full fledged tree hugging hippy either although my shaved head kinda makes me look that way atm lol!


ha ha ha Pimpy full marks for trying lol!!!

Message 6 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

Good for you Meep thats a great starting place 🙂

Message 7 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

Yep. We've been on a simple living strategy for about 7 years now. It started when I had a revelation when I was looking at various philosophers and came by Thoreau's Walden. His philosophy would have us out in a cabin the bush but I took the core of what he was saying about modern society confusing wants with needs and now we question everything we do.


Initially we went all out trying to reduce our carbon footprint and changed our lifestyles completely. I sold a lot of my clothes and all my shoes. We got rid of furniture and some cars. We took only local holidays. But we've pulled back now and aren't as strict.


But the way my family tackles it is by taking on bits and pieces at a time.


We started with the basics - recycling, reusing, disusing. Vegies. Public transport.


Then we started slowing our lives down (and the lives of our children) to get a better life/work/activity balance.


Then we got stuck into our consumerism. Aside from shoes and the odd garment here and there, we've hardly bought anything new for years. We only buy what we need. There are no 'wants' in our household anymore.


At the moment we are heavily into local made everything - food, clothes, businesses, activities. It was hard at first but we can now get by with only Australian made in our pantry. A supermarket shop for us takes HOURS cause we read every label lol!


I find that if we tackle one aspect at at time then it doesn't feel like a major step. So something like buying only Australian made was a big deal at first cause we thought so little was made here and it felt like we were losing out on some of our favourite foods. But 12 months later we've found all the Australian products, we know the Australian companies and get a lot on line. So now checking a label for country of origin is simply second nature.


The thing I am looking into at the moment is bartering time and services. So have just joined Airtasker and can't wait to start using companies like this.:-)

Message 8 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

good for you martini, I wish more people would buy australian made.



at my old place I used to recycle the water from the washing machine. I would catch the rinse water in  garbage bins and then use it for the wash water for the next load. All our used water went out on to the lawn. 

I tried growing vegies but never had much luck.



Monsters you sound like the Goods from The Good Life, I loved that show

Message 9 of 32
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Anyone here into living simply?

Yes I remember the Good life, that was a cracker of a show lol! I always liked their philosophy! Martini, good on you for making positive steps toward changing your life style, sounds like your effort have hugely impacted on your family.  Love the bartering idea and I also like the idea of co -ops.


Did anyone see the supermarket that buys fruit and veg that is not 1st grade but perfectly usable?  They gave people a discount if they worked for so many hours at the supermarket, great idea!  I also liked that it gave people purpose, they were all working together to help one another.

Message 10 of 32
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