on 07-04-2013 10:09 PM
If so how does it work for you and are you all out living simply or combining the concept with modern day luxuries? For me its been baking, sewing, growing vege and doing what I can to leave less of a carbon footprint on the planet (although admittedly I have a long way to go!) What is it for you?
on 12-04-2013 03:18 AM
You can definitely reuse your soapy water for your garden. Even your vegetable garden. Some vegies don't like soapy water (like pumpkins) but most are OK with it.
Even your greasy dishwashing leftovers can be used so long as you water the soil only and not the fruits/vegies.
As for reusing washing machine water for another load, this is surprisingly clean water once it does a round through the machine. You can keep reusing this for ages before it starts to even look 'grey'.
Yes Martini, you can also grow vegetables in human excrement, but I wouldn't like to eat a raw carrot from that garden, would you?
As for reusing washing machine water, that's bad enough, but catching it in garbage bins and letting it wash my next load... next you'll be suggesting I just chuck my smalls in my toilet and flush it a couple of times...
on 12-04-2013 06:57 AM
You CAN grow your vegetables in any kind of excrement. 😉
As I mentioned above, as long as it only goes on the soil and not the vegetable. Then, yes, in theory a carrot grown in even human excrement is fine to eat straight out of the garden.
And if you want to chuck your smalls in the toilet to wash them, then that is OK too. The water is perfectly clean.
What exactly do you think is in the grey water that comes out of your washing machine? A couple of stray pubic hairs? Some lint? Is this really going to cause you harm? What germs do you suppose are lurking in your toilet cistern? Deadly bacteria that will eat your private parts away if your freshly washed undies make contact with them?
Obviously this thread isn't for you memories if you can't see past some basic concepts on re-use. :-).