Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

Australian convicted terrorist Khaled Sharrouf reportedly continued to receive a disability pension months after arriving on the battlefields of Syria.

Sharrouf, who fled Australia for Syria using his brother's passport on December 6, continued to receive his disability support pension at least until February, about two months after he left Australia to join insurgents fighting the Syrian government, The Weekend Australian says.

The newspaper says revelations that the former Sydney man was paid his regular disability cheque - about $766 a fortnight - long after authorities knew he was gone raise the possibility that the taxpayer may have been inadvertently funding his activities.


It is not clear if Sharrouf accessed the money, the newspaper says, but his journey to Syria took him through Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey, countries where he would have had ready access to any money paid into his bank account.

Sharrouf was jailed in 2005 for nearly four years for possessing six clocks and 140 batteries connected to a terrorist conspiracy in which 18 men were convicted over plans to attack targets in NSW and Victoria.

Entire Article Here


He's come full circle hasn't he?


The parents come here to escape war and terror and give their kids a better life. Then the kids go back to the old country keep the viscious circle going.


All at Aussie taxpayers expense.


Very disappointing.

Message 1 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

@icyfroth wrote:

Here. knock  yourself out:


AS MANY as 300 young Australians have left for the Middle East with hopes of joining the battles which have become some of the most savage the region has seen.


I never used the word schizophrenia, but that's a pretty broad term isn't it.


A bit like backache.




Oh, so there is only one that went to fight who's on a DSP?  So why is the story being repeated now?  What is on the agenda that we need to little distraction to cover?  The story was done to death months ago.



What difference does it make if you used the term.  The links provided in the thread state that he is schizophrenic, which can be a serious mental health disorder.  



No, Schizophrenia is not something a bit like backache.  


What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is an illness, a medical condition. It affects the normal functioning of the brain, interfering with a person’s ability to think, feel and act. Some do recover completely, and, with time, most find that their symptoms improve. However, for many, it is a prolonged illness which can involve years of distressing symptoms and disability.

People affected by schizophrenia have one ‘personality,’ just like everyone else. It is a myth and totally untrue that those affected have a so-called ‘split personality’.

What are the symptoms?

If not receiving treatment, people with schizophrenia experience persistent symptoms of what is called psychosis. These include:

  • Confused thinking
    When acutely ill, people with psychotic symptoms experience disordered thinking. The everyday thoughts that let us live our daily lives become confused and don’t join up properly.
  • Delusions
    A delusion is a false belief held by a person which is not held by others of the same cultural background.
  • Hallucinations
    The person sees, hears, feels, smells or tastes something that is not actually there. The hallucination is often of disembodied voices which no one else can hear.

Other associated symptoms are low motivation and changed feelings.

Message 71 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

Probably exactly meets the criteria needed by the  the leaders of terrorist organisations.


That and the fact that they're drawing a disability pension that can be accessed overseas.

Message 72 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

@icyfroth wrote:

Probably exactly meets the criteria needed by the  the leaders of terrorist organisations.


That and the fact that they're drawing a disability pension that can be accessed overseas.

There are 2 different separate issues; one is that some Australians (and not all of them are from middle eastern background) go to fight in Syria and now Iraq, which is not a great worry in the whole scheme of things; but the whole situation over there is very worrying.  I do not quite get it how that happened without anybody suspecting; after all the Israelis know who lives in which house in Gaza, but did not realise there is a whole army capable overpowering the Iraqi army?
  The other is that this one man is getting pension.  Now, he was born here, he is an Australian citizen, he is ill, possibly delusional.  As he was born here, his parents must have lived here for 1/4 century, paying taxes, so yes, their mentally ill son deserves the pension, just as any other Australian.  He has done some things that are against law, but they are separate issues.  If he does not get killed, when he gets back he will be charged, IF he is considered sane enough.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 73 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

Should also point out that citizenship cannot be revoked if you are born here or if you did not commit a crime overseas prior to your citizenship being granted here.



Message 74 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

@***super_nova*** wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

Probably exactly meets the criteria needed by the  the leaders of terrorist organisations.


That and the fact that they're drawing a disability pension that can be accessed overseas.

There are 2 different separate issues; one is that some Australians (and not all of them are from middle eastern background) go to fight in Syria and now Iraq, which is not a great worry in the whole scheme of things; but the whole situation over there is very worrying.  I do not quite get it how that happened without anybody suspecting; after all the Israelis know who lives in which house in Gaza, but did not realise there is a whole army capable overpowering the Iraqi army?
  The other is that this one man is getting pension.  Now, he was born here, he is an Australian citizen, he is ill, possibly delusional.  As he was born here, his parents must have lived here for 1/4 century, paying taxes, so yes, their mentally ill son deserves the pension, just as any other Australian.  He has done some things that are against law, but they are separate issues.  If he does not get killed, when he gets back he will be charged, IF he is considered sane enough.

Nobody is saying he shouldn't get a pension. The point was that Aus nationals are using their pensions to aid forces fighting our soldiers in the Middle East.

Young Khaled hasn't just "done some things against the law" like dealing in drugs or stealing cars.


We seem to keep overlooking this:


"Sharrouf was jailed in 2005 for nearly four years for possessing six clocks and 140 batteries connected to a terrorist conspiracy in which 18 men were convicted over plans to attack targets in NSW and Victoria."


Left the country illegally on a borrowed passport to fight what we consider to be the enemy.


Fairly serious crimes, and quite a serious security risk if he does get back into the country.


What 's more, he's not the only one. I'd like to know what the other 17 conspirators in the plot are doing and where they are now.

Message 75 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

@icyfroth wrote:

Nobody is saying he shouldn't get a pension. The point was that Aus nationals are using their pensions to aid forces fighting our soldiers in the Middle East.

Young Khaled hasn't just "done some things against the law" like dealing in drugs or stealing cars.


We seem to keep overlooking this:


"Sharrouf was jailed in 2005 for nearly four years for possessing six clocks and 140 batteries connected to a terrorist conspiracy in which 18 men were convicted over plans to attack targets in NSW and Victoria."


Left the country illegally on a borrowed passport to fight what we consider to be the enemy.


Fairly serious crimes, and quite a serious security risk if he does get back into the country.


What 's more, he's not the only one. I'd like to know what the other 17 conspirators in the plot are doing and where they are now.

So he's still getting the pension is he?


How does he become they?


Yes, he did wrong but he is not they. This article is just another in the long list of those designed to inflame hatred.

Message 76 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

@cherples wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

Nobody is saying he shouldn't get a pension. The point was that Aus nationals are using their pensions to aid forces fighting our soldiers in the Middle East.

Young Khaled hasn't just "done some things against the law" like dealing in drugs or stealing cars.


We seem to keep overlooking this:


"Sharrouf was jailed in 2005 for nearly four years for possessing six clocks and 140 batteries connected to a terrorist conspiracy in which 18 men were convicted over plans to attack targets in NSW and Victoria."


Left the country illegally on a borrowed passport to fight what we consider to be the enemy.


Fairly serious crimes, and quite a serious security risk if he does get back into the country.


What 's more, he's not the only one. I'd like to know what the other 17 conspirators in the plot are doing and where they are now.

So he's still getting the pension is he?


How does he become they?


Yes, he did wrong but he is not they. This article is just another in the long list of those designed to inflame hatred.

I don't think he's still getting the pension.


"Sharrouf, who fled Australia for Syria using his brother's passport on December  6, continued to receive his disability support pension at least until February,  about two months after he left Australia to join insurgents fighting the Syrian  government, The Weekend Australian says."


I think it'd be pretty naive to assume he's the only one of his co-conspirators and the 300 odd Aus national fighting in Middle East against the Allied forces to be drawing a benefit  from Australia.


That's not even counting the families that may be supporting them.

Message 77 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

No, he is not getting the pension, and the department would have also requested the money paid when he is not eligible to be repaid.  As far as "accessing pension" when overseas; are you suggesting that Australian citizens should not be able to access their money when they are o/s?  Once the pension is paid into somebody's account it is their money.  Or maybe it is just pensioners who would be told how  and where they are allowed to spend their money?  In any case, somehow I doubt there are many ATMs operational in Syria, so it is unlikely that once he entered Syria he would have been getting any money out. 


Also, would you like to elaborate why do you think that somebody who is in Syria is fighting the allied forces?  How many times do I have to point out WE ARE NOT INVOLVED IN THE SYRIAN CONFLICT,  it is a civil war, or at least it did start as a civil war, now there are all sorts of groups involved.  But they are still Muslims fighting Muslims.




Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 78 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

@icyfroth wrote:


What 's more, he's not the only one. I'd like to know what the other 17 conspirators in the plot are doing and where they are now.

Do not worry, I am sure the appropriate government organisations have them under surveillance, if they are not still in jail; and they are not likely to be issued with Australian passports.  And i am sure ASIO is keeping their eyes on the whole family.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 79 of 81
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Re: Aussie Jihadist On Disability Pension In Syria

@***super_nova*** wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:


What 's more, he's not the only one. I'd like to know what the other 17 conspirators in the plot are doing and where they are now.

Do not worry, I am sure the appropriate government organisations have them under surveillance, if they are not still in jail; and they are not likely to be issued with Australian passports.  And i am sure ASIO is keeping their eyes on the whole family.

No doubt.

They were supposed to be keeping an eye on Khaled, too.

Message 80 of 81
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