Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

Honored Contributor

All foreigner travellers will be banned from entering Australia from tomorrow night.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced the enhanced border measures in response to the coronavirus outbreak.


It applies to all non-citizens and non-residents.


Australians will still be able to return from overseas but they will be required to self-isolate for 14 days.

The Government had previously banned foreign nationals from coming to Australia from China, Iran, Italy and South Korea.



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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@rogespeed wrote:

having fenced in the herd , now is the time to sheep dip all therein , by lab testing each and everyone , regardless of age, Positives regardless of symptoms get clinically isolated with appropriarte treatment, those associated with them get  enforced 14 day quarantine 

Retest whole population after 3 weeks


If all is well within 6 weeks Australia should be covid-19 free and safe to resume normal living of life 


The Chinese should soon have a surplus of test kits , cheaper by the millions , so no excuses , although we might have to grant amnesty to permanent resident visa-overstayers to encourage them to submit willingly. ( We are afterall a polite society ) 


If we can arrange elections which rope in most of the adult population , we can arrange this.

Latest test kits is onsite only takes 15 minutes -  


Joke, right?  

Also what does elections have to do with it?

I just hope - there's help out there somewhere for this one.

Message 11 of 18
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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

@domino-710 wrote:

@bright.ton42 wrote:

@rogespeed wrote:

having fenced in the herd , now is the time to sheep dip all therein , by lab testing each and everyone , regardless of age, Positives regardless of symptoms get clinically isolated with appropriarte treatment, those associated with them get  enforced 14 day quarantine 

Retest whole population after 3 weeks


If all is well within 6 weeks Australia should be covid-19 free and safe to resume normal living of life 


The Chinese should soon have a surplus of test kits , cheaper by the millions , so no excuses , although we might have to grant amnesty to permanent resident visa-overstayers to encourage them to submit willingly. ( We are afterall a polite society ) 


If we can arrange elections which rope in most of the adult population , we can arrange this.

Latest test kits is onsite only takes 15 minutes -  


Joke, right?  

Also what does elections have to do with it?

I just hope - there's help out there somewhere for this one.

oh , what do you two not understand ?  is quite straight forward . test the population , treat the positive ones , quarantine the associates - cheaper than messing around spending countless billions on finanical supports  

Message 12 of 18
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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

So shut the entire country down for 6 weeks. Too bad for those who aren't hoarders and die of starvation. Too bad for those who have heart attacks when the hospitals aren't operating. Too bad for diabetics who can't get their insulin. Too bad for those who break bones and can't get them set. Too bad for 90% (my guess, which is as good as the statistics you proffer) of businesses which will be defunct after that time.


Many more billions in welfare your way.


As usual, Pauline Hansenish simplistic solutions to complex problems don't work.

Message 13 of 18
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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

if the authorities keep shutting things down to save us all

then those who rushed to the stores and emptied the shelves will feel validated


the govt cant be saying 'dont hoard' at the same time they are restricting movement.

Message 14 of 18
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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

@imastawka wrote:

China knew.


Italy knew.


Iran knew.


We should've bluddy well known.


We're an island, and could've taken better steps in the first place.


Sco-Mo was well aware of the facts.

The Key is in your last line....."  Sco Mo was aware of the facts "


There is a huge number of interlocking pieces that need to be fitted together in formulating a plan, not the least of which is the " herd mentality ' and panic of the general population. We have seen this in a small way with toilet paper panic. I suspect the government is using the " boiling frog " method. 


For those who don't know the boiling frog method......


How do you boil a frog without it jumping out of the pot ?  Put it in pot of cold water and slowly boil. 

 In the case of the radical civil liberty controls required for this pandemic, if the full shebang and shutdown was introduced immediately, there would be widespread civil disobedience, lawlessness, massive panic, mass unemployment and economic meltdown that would scar the country for decades.


By staging announcements and ratcheting up restrictions over a short period of time, a lot of this has been avoided. It has also brought time to prepare our medical system with the opening of new emergency hospitals ( or the re-opening of old ones ), arrange staffing etc. It has given the Reserve bank and government a few weeks to work WITH the banks to structure a rescue package to keep as many people in jobs as possible and get as many small businesses through as possible.


I suspect most countries realise they cant actually stop the virus and it is highly likely the majority of most nations peoples will eventually become infected before a vaccine is developed. The trick is to SLOW THE SPREAD of the virus to a point where those severely affected can receive appropriate emergency intensive care treatment.


Closing Australia's borders early may well have slowed the initial outbreak by a few weeks, but it would not have kept the disease out. It would have just postponed the inevitable. Herd Immunity will take effect and slow the virus before a vaccine is developed and widely available. The trick is to get to a stage of herd immunity without too many people dying and having the economy crash, destroying the lives of ordinary working families for years to come.



Message 15 of 18
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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

@davewil1964 wrote:

So shut the entire country down for 6 weeks. Too bad for those who aren't hoarders and die of starvation. Too bad for those who have heart attacks when the hospitals aren't operating. Too bad for diabetics who can't get their insulin. Too bad for those who break bones and can't get them set. Too bad for 90% (my guess, which is as good as the statistics you proffer) of businesses which will be defunct after that time.


Many more billions in welfare your way.


As usual, Pauline Hansenish simplistic solutions to complex problems don't work.

I suggested test the whole population not quuaratine everyone , treat thsoe with the infection and quauratine the infected one's associates

If the Government can arrange an election which gathers and validates almost all the adult population at various places for voting , then it can arrange testing of the whole population in a timely manner 


For those with trouble understanding written text

Message 16 of 18
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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

@rogespeed wrote:


I suggested test the whole population not quuaratine everyone , treat thsoe with the infection and quauratine the infected one's associates


Not feasable as there aren't enough test kits available.

Message 17 of 18
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Australia blocks arrival of all non-residents in expanded coronavirus travel ban

@lyhargr_0 wrote:

He should have done it weeks ago





"Part of the problem is Morrison’s staff. His office is filled with 3rd rate mining executives, Liberal Party spivs and urgers, and self-basting ex-Murdoch hacks. You wouldn’t trust ‘em to organise the Friday night chook raffle in a country RSL."


Mike Carlton

"You wouldn’t trust ‘em to organise the Friday night chook raffle in a country RSL." Well they are buggered on that as well now


Message 18 of 18
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