The 2012 disability scales make it very very difficult for people to gain access to the DSP. Anxiety alone won't do it and the reason why people are granted DSP is because they lack the capacity to work in many cases due to the level of disability. Look up the Adult Disability tool. It is very difficult to get a score of over 25 ( I think it is, you will need to look for yourself) to be on DSP with no work component.
The problem is that years ago they put a lot of people on the DSP with few or no reviews, that is now changing with ever increasing reassessments and judging by the news will change to forcing younger recipients to be reassessed under the 2012 scales. These days you can be half dead and still not access it because your condition might improve.
But I think you have to look at the bigger picture, its all very well to push people with disabilities into gaining employment but the bottom line is it won't achieve anything if there are no jobs out there for them. Do the math 140,000 jobs to 800,000 people looking for work according to ACOSS. These jobs are going to magically appear where??? And who will employ a disabled person over someone with no disability? Very few I'd say.
Crikey I think the person you've mentioned is possibly an exception which is great. But lets be realistic. I read about a lady with 3 degrees in a wheelchair. Highly capable but no one would give her work. Why? because no one wanted to have to make modifications to the work place. Sadly there is also another group who really don't have the capacity to work, its just the reality.
The government isn't interested in helping to improve their quality of life lets look at the motivation here. It's about saving a buck at the expense of the most vulnerable in this country. There is no crisis, they are pandering to the high end of town. Sadly it will result in more hatred and discrimination against the disabled because many are ignorant and ill informed forcing more into poverty and homelessness. I think the media also has a role in this, they have added to the discrimination and bullying tactics of the government with some of their headlines.
As far as I am concerned our government is morally and ethically bankrupt. It would cucify this countries poorest to satisfy the higher end of town.