BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
Message 1 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

lol your norti also Richo 


you do know fluids dont have to be brewed dont you ??


unless it's tea of coarse Woman LOL


i just had a treat a glass of fanta lol


dont drink soft drink much but i have some when me tum tum fees yuk i find it helps dont know why maybe the sugar ??????

Message 32011 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Ooaks-clicked on the blaardy spoiler thing instead of the smileys-

-then it posted twice--might go easy on.......the fluids.


Hit 39 degs-wind came up.....32-48 km/h-im over it all..............Richo////...

Message 32012 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Not applicable

Good one Richo, another milestone for you.


Both my girls can do anything their blokes can do, in some cases, better.  When Lou painted the inside of her house, Craig had never painted, before, they almost came to blows cause she is a perfectionist same when they erected a shed, she ended up telling him to go and have a cuppa, haha

Trace uses the welder and grinder,one day when she has time she  wants to weld   a sculpture for their yard.


I am inside and won't be going out again, already been on the nebuliser once.  I am depressed because I needed a new pair of winter sneakers, waterproof.......I still can't reach my right foot, so need shoes that will go on easily, Chris took me yesterday,  got a pair of Hush Puppies, they are old  lady shoes, guess the only good thing about them is my trackies should cover most of them up.  But, if that is the least of my worries I shouldn't be whingeing should I? LOL


Ooaks glad you have heard from DD, no  extra news or we would have heard you shouting from here.


Sandy thyroids are such a problem aren't they, you think it is right and it plays up again, hope Kim  gets it sorted soon.


Stawka no lawns here and I  love it.  Nice gardens though.  My vegies are almost done, pulled all the tomatoes, planted more peas and beans, might plant some leeks for winter, will ask around to see who uses them.  In Mitchell Ave I always planted about 20 for Arthur next door, 2 weeks apart, 4 at a time, he is a pom and loves them.


Hmmmmm that last tablet must have been a chattering pill,

Message 32013 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

lol richo - thought you might have been into the fluids early Smiley Very Happy.



                                                   ON THE


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Message 32014 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Milla and her cake, plus some lemon slice to take home. -


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Message 32015 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Afternoon all, Richo congrats.



Been to Port and came back early as the sea was getting a bit angry and its a tender port............were running large cats today..............still have not been in the casino..............but have done a spot of shopping lol lol cant help myself


Hope all r well . x

Message 32016 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Thanks Sandy---you had a productive time in the kitchen with the understudy.

Bet Milla turns out to be a good cook in the future-even if its only cakes.


Arvo Linda--chattering


Hope you get the footwear sorted out--i will never buy shoes with laces again.

Just wear sandals with velcro.


Would love a vegie garden-but thats in the past now.


Had a visit from a goanna-the mower men must have disturbed it.

Sat on the doormat for a while--shood it off and its moved

onto Brians mat next door,lol-that will wake him up when he reappears.................Richo/////.

Message 32017 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Arvo JV--is that cyclone still causing trouble?


Bet you had some room in the OHs luggage to hide the shopping.

He must be onto that caper by now .lol........................................................Richo////.

Message 32018 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Missed your post Linda.  Hope you read this but the best, the very best shoes for casual are sketchers - they are slip on and are like walking on air.  I prefer walk in them rather than my nikes.  Wish we had you as a neighbour - very kind.  Hope your asthma improves.


A goanna richo!  Heavens, never seen a goanna in civilisation - lots of blue tongues but not a goanna.  Wonder where that came from.


Great news your dd rang ooaks and that she is having a good time.


jv, what port were you in - ?? Cairns.  I'm like you - not that keen on Cairns.  Would rather go a bit further to Port Douglas.


Was going to walk into town but boy - poked my head out and it is sizzling out there.  Frank said he's not going anywhere!  I'll have to drive to the chemist and need to go to Spotlight.


Dinner at Matt & Kim's tonight so won't be back in.


Stawka must have heat stroke or too much whine wine!!  (Just jokin") Smiley LOL.


Hope freddie and her OH are both OK.


I see Grandmoon posted earlier - she's probably busy doing her goodwill work.  We need people like her.

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Message 32019 of 98,853
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.



40 deg.......and 40 k winds.   Hot northerly. 


Thirsty weather, eh Richo?



Message 32020 of 98,853
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