BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
Message 1 of 98,865
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98,864 REPLIES 98,864

Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Good morning all,


Thank you Countess - now know what a microwave cart is. LOL


Thinking the same as Springy - looks quite high to get things into and out of. ??


Wet here.

Message 98851 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

so dry down here Dom , could do with some of your rain  but not too much ty.

Message 98852 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Fine today Nics - but got nothing done - Boo Boo Boutique Day. LOL



Message 98853 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Well - good grief - how is everyone ??


Here time for a G&Fever Tree.



Message 98854 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

I have work tomorrow… I’m trying to kill my headache as I still have paperwork to do tonight.


How is everyone else?

Message 98855 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

I'm hanging on by a thread here.


Been very busy for a week - too busy - for me.


Out every day and it's taking its toll.


HL and I went to see the Agatha Christie play...And Then There Were None at the Comedy Theatre.  Thoroughly enjoyed it from the front row Dress Circle, and a fine view indeed.


In the spirit of The Mousetrap I've been asked not to say who the murderer is.


I actually saw The Mousetrap and I can't reveal who the murderer was in that one, cos I can't remember.


Dom, what happened to that beautiful flowering plant?  Did we get a pic of the full bloom?

Message 98856 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

LOL - saw ' The Mousetrap ' while  living in London - my lips are sealed.




Well - it got so tall - it went over - the pot being so small - it is now tied to a pole - waiting for any pups to emerge - apparently this can take quite a a while.


Now just puting together 3 copies of 54 pages each - with little tag thingys for attachments - in my Statement for Court.


Council made an offer - expired on the 12th - just ignored it - dismissive and insulting.


The question now is not of guilt - that they have admitted to - but how much.


Think - they thought - I wouldn't go through with it. LOL


Wine O Clock - Cheers.





Message 98857 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Ow. Ow ow ow, my baaaaaaaaack! My lower back, my upper back, my neck, my knee, my ducats, my back!


(I couldn’t help throwing in a little Shylock there.)


Mum lurched against the old microwave that’s waiting to go downstairs in preparation for hard rubbish collection. That lurch caused her leg to be wounded. It’s horrible seeing how fragile is her skin. Blood blood blood, hands washed thoroughly, Dettol, cleaning, disinfecting again and again, blood-saturated wads of cotton rounds, careful application of ultra sensitive wound dressing… She’s okay.


Cleaning up the blood from the floor…


Appointment - and ha, the garage door had a fit. It wouldn’t close. Repeated hurried attempts to fix… finally found small tool has lodged itself in the way. A good 25 minutes to sort things out, but in the meantime I must have knocked over an empty glass jar and sent it catapulting down the driveway as I found great shards on the downward slope.


Work done. I only have some more paperwork to do.


Repeated bending and letting myself become cross at the universe all combined… and everything is in pain. There. I’ve said it and now I will find the humour in it. Slapstick, wry deadpan humour, grim farce… but at least the lasagne will be ready in a few minutes and I’ve taken some Panadol. Lasagne is a reason to grin.

Message 98858 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hope Mum is OK Countess.


Perhaps think twice about getting out of bed tomorrow. LOL


Speaking of backs - not sure exactly what I do but have had one (bad lower back) a couple of times.


The last about a month ago - was given Celebrex - 200 - sheesh - was up all night going to the bathroom - the itching began shortly after - me thinks I'm allergic to that stuff - one tab was enough.


Happening again now - has been bad for a couple of days - appointment tomorrow - see if he can adjust the anti inflams.


Overcast and boring most of today - cool change - for a change.



Message 98859 of 98,865
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Re: BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hey Dom, lower back pain is my domain.


Can only stand for about 20 mins or the back acts up and I have to lie down to take the pressure off the spine.


I take Panadeine Forte to knock it on the head.


Can't take anti-inflams cos I've only got one working kidney, and I'd like to keep it.


I took too many ibuprofens early on in life it seems.


Doc would like me to keep my liver also, so no anti-inflams at all.


Hope your back is better soon - lie down for a while to take the pressure off and put some heat on it.  That works well too.


Countess, hope mum is better today.


Message 98860 of 98,865
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