Cashless Welfare Card

Community Member

Could this be the end of the tragedy of alcohol fueled violence and child neglect.



A cashless welfare card aimed at stemming alcohol abuse would be rolled out across the country under a welfare reform the Turnbull government is considering taking to the election.


As regional trouble spots line up to be chosen for trials of the government’s new Healthy Welfare Card to begin next month, The Australian understands the Coalition may seek an election mandate to extend the card to welfare recipients across regional Australia if they achieve positive results.

Under the new system — proposed by mining magnate ­Andrew Forrest in his review of the welfare system in 2014 — 80 per cent of a person’s government payment would be ­quarantined to a bank card that could not be used to buy alcohol and gambling products, nor ­converted to cash.

The remaining 20 per cent could be accessible as cash.

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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

another liberal budget another slap for the welfare 'bludgers'


heard on radio this morning the govt has another plan to punish 'dole bludgers' for failing to obey the rules.

seems when the chips are down its allways the people on welfare getting the blame for govt missmanagment.


why dont they just start public floggings?


would placing these 'wrong doers' in stocks and throwing rotton vegetables at them make our society happy?


oh, and whilst this is going on,


Eddie Obeid: Jailed former NSW Labor minister still collecting parliamentary pension


yes i know thats NSW govt but its still tax payers money. yep, its welfare cheats bringing the country down isnt it?

Message 201 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

I live in Ceduna  and am not on this horrible card.  But know that the people in Ceduna are suffering  not from alcohol or drugs  but lieing govts and councils.  The real truth is the card is a failure  and the link supplied should give you some understanding.


and for further informatin try


Message 202 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

I live in Ceduna  and am not on this horrible card.  But know that the people in Ceduna are suffering  not from alcohol or drugs  but lieing govts and councils.  The real truth is the card is a failure  and the link supplied should give you some understanding.


and for further informatin try


Wake up Australia you are being cheated  and not by the poor.


Message 203 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

no its not working in the communities either.  The servics are  and the card is not. I live here I aught to know.  Really tired of people who havnt been here  who have no idea of the destruction  the card has in the communities. Yet  push us around  trying to force something that is not warranted.



Message 204 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

its a disgrace, treating anyone on welfare like they are class citizens.


being treated like children,


no, you cant be trusted not to drink or gamble your money away.


just because a few dont do the right thing all must suffer, thats not the australian way in my book.


we dont send speeding fines out to every driver because some speed do we?


in fact quite a lot speed dont they, looking at the amount of money govt's get through fines?

Message 205 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

Thank you kissma for the video link.


I urge everybody to view this informative video.  Not the best quality and it runs

for 7 minutes,  but information about the card that I wasn't aware of.


Even businesses are being lied to by the government.


Published on May 5, 2017

Some highlights of people at a meeting in Ceduna with Tammy Franks and a number of other politicians.

It would seem that the Ceduna business people were misled by Government representatives . They were offered incentives to accept the idea of cashless welfare in Ceduna. That being said this video is not only proof that people are lied to to ensure that the unhealthy welfare card is accepted in communities but also that it is completely detrimental to the average person as well as business people.

Its time to stop the rot in Ceduna

Crime is up in some instances by 400 percent.

Message 206 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

Hi  and thanks imastawka 🙂 love the name. 🙂  To be honest I am not bothered by the quality of the video i took . I had dislocated my shoulder twice in a month and holding the camera  steady was the least of my worries. ( put a knife in your shoulder joint and see how you fair ) Anyway  your welcome to go to this page and join up if you really want to learn more details about the effects of the trial.




Message 207 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

Cigarettes is not a banned item U can purchase them any where band substances include illegal drugs, gambling and alcohol and by the way you can still purchase scratches and that is gambling.
Message 208 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

@mang.jaso wrote:
Cigarettes is not a banned item U can purchase them any where band substances include illegal drugs, gambling and alcohol and by the way you can still purchase scratches and that is gambling.

Cashless Welfare card is just an excuse to push for a cashless society. I felt sick seeing that creep Howard pushing it at the eleventh hour, making out he cared for indigenous Australians when for years he ignored their plight.

Message 209 of 218
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Re: Cashless Welfare Card

In the end deros will brew their own plonk anyhow - best to offer cash incentives not to spawn children - and as for gambling , what else is there to do in remote towns when cashed up  for the day ? 

No meaningful community work projects to be involved and so enjoy added sense of achievement and belonging - that would take orgianisation and some risk

Message 210 of 218
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