Cave Rescue

i have been watching the brilliant work being done to rescue this small group of boys and their coach from the cave.

so many have come together and are working tirelesly to hopefully get them all out alive, and back with their familys.




after listening to our foriegn minister going on about how our govt is offering every possible aid to the cause i cant help thinking,


what if this same group were in a rickitty boat floating off our northern coast?


whould we be seeing the same compassion?

Message 1 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue


Haven't they suffered enough without being made to watch soccer?

Message 11 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

@davidc4430 wrote:

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

what if this same group were in a rickitty boat floating off our northern coast?


They would be knowingly breaking the law. The children are not breaking laws. Vast difference.

so, if you screw up and get yourself in mortal danger you get treated different than if trying to get to a better place to live you break a law you prolly dont even know exists?


There are plenty of places closer to where they come from and from the start they know exactly where they want to travel too as Aus was considered a "soft touch".


People smugglers give them options,(generally it involves how much they can pay).


get trapped in a cave, no limit to money that will be spent saving you.

take a boat trip to a place you believe is paradise, get arrested, sent to a another country to sit in prison.


Because they try to come here ILLEGALLY,(most have/had the money to fly legally to Aus but there was always a better chance of getting in if you came by boat).


IF your not let drown at sea as no one sees it.


Their choice and the risk they take instead of going to a country that's closer to where they lived.

The difference is legality,(why should you benefit for trying to go somewhere illegally.

Message 12 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

@peteepie wrote:


Haven't they suffered enough without being made to watch soccer?

Hahaha, I guess you are not fond of watching soccer ?

I know, it's a little silly to sit and watch sports rather than participating but it can be a relief from daily chores.

And the world uniting for a common interest...................Go Belgium n England. Smiley Very Happy

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Message 13 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

@go-tazz wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

what if this same group were in a rickitty boat floating off our northern coast?


They would be knowingly breaking the law. The children are not breaking laws. Vast difference.

so, if you screw up and get yourself in mortal danger you get treated different than if trying to get to a better place to live you break a law you prolly dont even know exists?


There are plenty of places closer to where they come from and from the start they know exactly where they want to travel too as Aus was considered a "soft touch".


People smugglers give them options,(generally it involves how much they can pay).


get trapped in a cave, no limit to money that will be spent saving you.

take a boat trip to a place you believe is paradise, get arrested, sent to a another country to sit in prison.


Because they try to come here ILLEGALLY,(most have/had the money to fly legally to Aus but there was always a better chance of getting in if you came by boat).


IF your not let drown at sea as no one sees it.


Their choice and the risk they take instead of going to a country that's closer to where they lived.

The difference is legality,(why should you benefit for trying to go somewhere illegally.

i really think your missing my point, its that we care SO much for one little group we would risk our lives to save them whilst on the other hand we really couldnt give a stuff for the same group under different circumstances.


going further i bet there are hundreds if not more teenage kids in that country losing their lives every year from disease or accidents we never hear about.


we really should care about anyone we see in trouble even if they dare to try to get into our country.

i think most of us know our government has treated 'boat' people worse than murderers in this country.

we dont ship murderers to another country and give them third rate care.


i know of many in our prisons who dont deserve the care we give them but we do, and we are not telling the govt they must treat them like they dont matter like we treat boat people.


i truly hope our country never has a disaster that requires us to look for another home, who would choose to go live in the countries we tell boat people they should have stopped at? or if we had the money wouldnt head for say the USA or UK or New Zealand? regardless of those countries saying dont come here!

Message 14 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

2 more boys out. Only 2 boys and the coach to go.

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Message 15 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

Another boy out. Smiley Happy Leaves 1 boy n coach.

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Message 16 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

Mission complete, they are all out YAY..................



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Message 17 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

@davidc4430 wrote:

@go-tazz wrote:


i really think your missing my point, its that we care SO much for one little group we would risk our lives to save them whilst on the other hand we really couldnt give a stuff for the same group under different circumstances.


We have the small amount of resources to help them get out of a predicament that they didn't create deliberately,(it was the coaches fault).


Boat people deliberately put themselves in harms way so that they can bypass a legal system and they have cost Australia money that could've been spent elsewhere.


going further i bet there are hundreds if not more teenage kids in that country losing their lives every year from disease or accidents we never hear about.


So why is that Australia's fault as any money to go towards anything in those countries would most likely go into the coffers of their government,(blame their government,not ours).


we really should care about anyone we see in trouble even if they dare to try to get into our country.

i think most of us know our government has treated 'boat' people worse than murderers in this country.

we don't ship murderers to another country and give them third rate care.


Australia can't afford to keep throwing money away,(we are going downhill fast and getting further into debt

and money spent on "refugees" is one reason why it's happening.


Australia has spent billions on refugees and associated areas.


Maybe we should just let them all in like England and France so that they can then bomb us,(that's why Australia takes all those steps as they need to keep this country safe.


i know of many in our prisons who dont deserve the care we give them but we do, and we are not telling the govt they must treat them like they dont matter like we treat boat people.


Prisoners are part of this country and are here legally.


i truly hope our country never has a disaster that requires us to look for another home, who would choose to go live in the countries we tell boat people they should have stopped at? or if we had the money wouldnt head for say the USA or UK or New Zealand? regardless of those countries saying dont come here!

Most of those "refugees" come from countries that despise Australians and anyone else that are not the same religion as them,(we on the other hand don't have those traits so would be welcomed to a number of countries except for the ones where the refugees have come from).


It's all a one way street and they get more help and support then we would receive if it was the other way

around,(the government spends millions of dollars keeping them alive and safe each year which is a lot better than a lot of people in this country).


If they qualify to live here then they get the same payments as Aussies get so all they need to do is qualify,(which can be a drawn out process but it's for the countries safety).


The way it's going China will probably own most of Australia and most produce and food items will probably be exported overseas.

Message 18 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

@go-tazz wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

@go-tazz wrote:

Most of those "refugees" come from countries that despise Australians and anyone else that are not the same religion as them,(we on the other hand don't have those traits so would be welcomed to a number of countries except for the ones where the refugees have come from).



Message 19 of 45
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Re: Cave Rescue

@davidc4430 wrote:

i have been watching the brilliant work being done to rescue this small group of boys and their coach from the cave.

so many have come together and are working tirelesly to hopefully get them all out alive, and back with their familys.




after listening to our foriegn minister going on about how our govt is offering every possible aid to the cause i cant help thinking,


what if this same group were in a rickitty boat floating off our northern coast?


whould we be seeing the same compassion?

No, but it's a different scenario. The rescued boys are staying in their own country, they aren't being rescued to come here.


True, it's a lot of money & effort for a small group, while we see hardship in other lands go unnoticed.


But that is how the world has always been-the unusual gets into the news.


I think, too, that sometimes the woes of the world are too much to take in. But when you can focus on a small group & see photos of them, read their names, it becomes more interesting to people.


My own view is the coach should be shot. (well, not literally, but lose his job, put it that way).

No one in charge of children has any business taking them 3 or 4 km into a cave system that is subject to flooding.

Even if it had not flooded, it is a long way into the caving system to be in the event of an accident.


From what I have heard from people who do caving, it is not suited to everyone, some people can feel claustrophobic even if they never have before.

Going that far in is not a suitable excursion for a group of youngsters.


Message 20 of 45
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