Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

I hope that in the future if not today open discussion on Depression and Mental Illness can carry on...

Thoughts and best wishes to all who loved and cared for and about you .


“Charlotte was a beautiful person physically, but she also had a beautiful soul. She was kind, loving and generous,” Vicky said.

“She was a kind, loving and generous person and worked tirelessly for the causes she believed in.

Message 1 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

I have to admit that I used to think 'suicides' was the cowards way out - No thought to who you leave behind.- Selfish and dare you leave behind family and friends who love you....


That was before I was diagnosed with depression over ten years ago.


I fight every day to find a reason to keep going....


For me it is my kid's - in my rational times I know how devistated they would be, how much I would  miss out on the future them - the weddings, the grandkids.... just them.


BUT - It is true, at the lowest point you really feel like you are of no worth to anyone, and that whomever you do leave behind is better off without you.


This is not something I asked to suffer from, I don't even know how it happenned, but I do know the way I make it through is telling myself - today is important to someone so I will see it through.


I am fortunate, family and friends have stood by me, left me alone (when I needed it) , and been there no matter what.


To beat it we need a support force that is not judgmental but understanding (not to mention forgiving,patient) - and sometimes others who have not suffered the affliction can not know just how debilitating this disease can be.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

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Message 13 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

Can I just put my hand up and say something here?

Like any illness, no one can completely understand unless they too have been there. However, that does not mean those on the outside can not feel empathy and compassion for those suffering/fighting


Also it is so heartbreaking for those on the outside too. They too have to fight everyday. Wondering if their loved ones will be able to cope today, wondering if they can actually help today. Feeling helpless and wanting to take their loved ones pain away and not being able to. Not knowing what to do in any given situation, not knowing when to open their arms and when to quietly close the door.


It is also hard on the outsiders too.


If we cant try and understand in our own way, how will the stigma of mental illness ever stop?


Edit to include: my post was kind of in response to a post that doesnt seem to be around? Dont think I was seeing thengs?

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Message 24 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

I want to say.............. I see no value in RIP threads unless it is a past member of this forum, or someone known to everyone here, personally.

My first thought is................. "they aren't reading this and their families probably won't ever see it"

sorry if it offends anyone.


The best use of these threads is discussion and raising awareness for those who are suffering cyber bullying and depression. What is the point otherwise.?

Scoring points on the mental state of other cs members is pitiful.

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Message 39 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

It has taken me some time to post this, trying to be extra thoughtful and careful of how others may read my words.  It hurts my oh-so-tired brain.  


Some of the problems that people with depression may have, are


a pride that refuses to acknowledge to others that they are not well;


not go out to see others/family to avoid lying about their health;


"Do as I say, not as I do" - helping others before helping themselves;


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder i.e. excessive cleaning, hoarding, checking on switches, etc.


over-reaction to sad/bad news (letting excessive tears fall or expressions of anger {in conjunction with that sad/bad news] it could also be a semi-release of their own mental tension);


extreme tiredness that comes with thinking too much.





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Message 95 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

@windrake wrote:

So is this an RIP thread or a platform for mental illness, bullying or people who don't show enough empathy? Or Miss Dawsons legacy????? Whatever that may be, like I really cannot mention the s word.


This poor unfortunate woman is not interred yet but her "legacy" is being deemed on here. Surely her family have the

right to deem a legacy, not someone on social media because they know about mental problems.



The thread is titled "Charlotte Dawson's Legacy" - so unless we are supposed to be discussing the contents of her wil,l I would assume it is about considering what part her premature  death may play in promoting a deeper understanding of  mental illness, personal demons, cyber bullying and other issues on which she spoke out during her life..

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Message 104 of 164
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163 REPLIES 163

Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

Personally I have every admiration for Ms Dawson.


She had a great ride. Youth, Beauty, Charisma. Smarts, Drive, Personality. Lifestyle, Celebrity, Money. Admiration, Friendship. Fun.


She knew it couldn't go on indefinitley and she took herself out of the race.


That took real courage and determination and I totally admire her for that.


I think her life should be celebrated instead of all this moaning and wailing about her means of escape.

Message 2 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

A sensitive topic that always goes off on another tangent but does need to be openly discussed but with mindfulness to those whose experiences have left them emotionally vulnerable.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 3 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

it was .removal is an insult to Charlotte's aim in raising awareness .It says...don't talk about depression and mental illness.Ho\w damaging is that message ?



I started this is not mine.It belongs to CS .I will not take it away from other posters or from Charlotte .


Message 4 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

Blue cat, it certainly help if one knows what one is talking about Smiley Frustrated

Message 5 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

@bluecat*dancing wrote:

A sensitive topic that always goes off on another tangent but does need to be openly discussed but with mindfulness to those whose experiences have left them emotionally vulnerable.

Bluecat, no one knows who they may be.

and how is anyone to know how to be mindful,what to do and say and understand if those who have personal experience as a sufferer (many experience the effects of mental illness as they care and associate with a sufferer and or have them in their Community) is important that it be spoken about and that those who suffer appreciate the importance of other's understanding and appreciate that they want to learn and care.

Without that and without those people ...... those who need help won't get it.



When people kick out at those who want to and could help them.....the other people may eventually stop trying.



A Doctor doesn't suffer from every illness he diagnoses ....he/she doesn't need to..they learn about them 

Message 6 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

Right on windrake Smiley Frustrated

Message 7 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

The point they are trying to make Iza, is that an RIP thread should be for RIPs and messages of condolence and not the rest. If you want the rest start a thread about the general topic.  A RIP thread should contain short messages and memories to or about the person.


Separate the conversations.

Message 8 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

Freaki, maybe the mods could post and let us all know how many and which posters said more than RIP ?

I know that I wasn't the only one .

Message 9 of 164
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Charlotte Dawson's Legacy

“Hello, everyone. This thread is getting a little off-topic and interpersonal disputes are begininning to take place.  Could we please bring the discussion back to Charlotte Dawson's Legacy. Thanks!”

Message 10 of 164
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