
I know you Christians are out there!
Message 1 of 349
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348 REPLIES 348

Re: Christians

@jessicadazzler wrote:
I expect nothing from anyone. I don't even know you and to be honest, I don't want to from what I've already seen. If you feel likewise, that's fine with me.

i have no feelings towards you one way or another.


Message 321 of 349
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Re: Christians

@jessicadazzler wrote:
Well I definitely don't receive support from anyone apart from Rabbit and Oppie.

you came here all gung ho, telling others where to post and not to post, admitted to lying when registering, had a go at those who tried to show you how you did wrong and how gloating wont help you

completely having a go at people, lying to people 


yet you complain only 2 people support you. Can you honestly blame people for not giving you the time of day? You really need some responsibility for your actions

Message 322 of 349
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Re: Christians

I didn't lie, chuk. I honestly had no idea, nobody had ever told me that you had to be 18 to sell, even my parents didn't know.

For anyone else new who is thinking of posting: don't bother. You'll find more comfort in death than in trying to simply be funny or sarcastic. Nobody gets you anyway.
Message 323 of 349
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Re: Christians

so you admit you didnt read what you were agreeing to? hmmmmm

you were never trying to be funny or sarcastic. Funny makes people laugh. Not something I saw when you post


edit to include the most important thing: You admitted it felt good reporting people. that will NEVER make you popular and its quite rude to as far as Im concerned. Someone says something you dont like you effectively dob? Not a very adult way of looking at things

Message 324 of 349
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Re: Christians

Feel free to keep posting stuff like that but I won't be here to read it.
Message 325 of 349
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Re: Christians

@chuk_77 wrote:

so you admit you didnt read what you were agreeing to? hmmmmm

you were never trying to be funny or sarcastic. Funny makes people laugh. Not something I saw when you post

who reads those screeds of rules and regs - did you? I know I didn't. Who reads all of that when they download a new software package - no body! and yet we all agree to abide by them.

Message 326 of 349
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Re: Christians

I didn't lie, chuk. I honestly had no idea, nobody had ever told me that you had to be 18 to sell, even my parents didn't know.



I call shenanigans on that post!!!!!


You got around the fact that you were under 18 by using your dad's payal account.

You admitted that on here - and gloated


Paypal would have stopped you cold from selling.


Registering with ebay you MUST read the T & C.  It says you must be 18.

You ignored that fact


How many times do I have to repeat all this information for it to sink in?



Message 327 of 349
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Re: Christians

@jessicadazzler wrote:
Feel free to keep posting stuff like that but I won't be here to read it.

😄 yet you stay online 😄

Message 328 of 349
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Re: Christians

Just figuring out how to close everything down, won't be needing any of it anymore,
Message 329 of 349
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Re: Christians

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

@chuk_77 wrote:

so you admit you didnt read what you were agreeing to? hmmmmm

you were never trying to be funny or sarcastic. Funny makes people laugh. Not something I saw when you post

who reads those screeds of rules and regs - did you? I know I didn't. Who reads all of that when they download a new software package - no body! and yet we all agree to abide by them.

  Rabbit,   it's a legal contract.


You can't legally sell something under 18 years - you're still a minor


Anybody knows that much!

Message 330 of 349
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