Clive Palmer thread

Community Member

All things Clive can be posted here


He is a BULLY of the worst kind..... 


He will threaten and bully anyone that doesnt do what Clive wants. 


Its looking more and more like he is a liar and a fraudster as well and the Chinese govt is after him over a lot of missing money..... 


Clive likes to bully and threaten women as well.... 


Clive Palmer calls for clerk of Senate Rosemary Laing to resign


Billionaire politician Clive Palmer has called for the clerk of the Senate to resign unless she is able to maintain impartiality, following a staff email she wrote implying Mr Palmer was a bully.


A leaked internal email sent to Senate staff on Thursday, and obtained by Fairfax Media, reveals clerk of the Senate Rosemary Laing warned staff not to tolerate ''unacceptable behaviour'' and made reference to the ''conduct of a member of the House of Representatives''.


While the email does not directly name the MP, it was widely reported two weeks ago that there was an altercation between Dr Laing and Mr Palmer, the member for Fairfax, over amendments to the carbon tax repeal bill.


Mr Palmer, leader of the Palmer United Party, was annoyed that the clerk would not distribute amendments put up by one of his senators, Glenn Lazarus.


The clerk argued that the amendments were effectively a monetary bill and constitutionally could not originate in the Senate.


In her staff bulletin issued on Thursday, Dr Laing warned against what she described as workplace bullying.


''You all have the right to a safe workplace and that includes the right to step away from - and report - bullies, whatever their status,'' she wrote. ''None of you need have any contact with the member in question if you feel at all threatened or intimidated by him.''


Mr Palmer told Fairfax Media he did not raise his voice during the exchange and said he told the clerk: ''If you do not circulate this amendment by Senator Lazarus I will challenge [your] position in the High Court.''


But on Thursday Mr Palmer took that position further. ''Australian democracy is far more important than this issue. The clerk is supposed to be impartial; if she is not up to the job, resign,'' he said.


Fairfax Media approached Dr Laing's office for comment, but was told she is on leave. The deputy clerk of the Senate refused to comment on the matter.


In the email, Dr Laing also took a swipe at the behaviour of the press gallery over the past two weeks of Parliament, describing reports of the carbon tax repeal negotiations as ''unethical''.


''In all of my years here, I do not believe I have seen anything so unethical from the press as this … [including a] disgraceful episode of press gallery members eavesdropping on private negotiations in the corridors over the carbon tax repeal legislation and writing stories on that basis,'' she wrote.


Last week all the major parties and the crossbench in the Senate - except for the PUP and Motoring Enthusiast senator Ricky Muir - spoke in praise of the clerk.


President of the Senate Stephen Parry said: ''I have full confidence in the clerk of the Senate and her officers. All Senate staff serve the Senate in an entirely professional and impartial way and I reject any claims to the contrary.''

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132 REPLIES 132

Re: Clive Palmer thread

@paintsew007 wrote:

Name any of the major parties leaders who is also not playing games with the public. They ALL give me the utter *bleeps* to be honest.

Clive Palmer cares about Clive Palmer. Don't be fooled

Message 71 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

@donnashuggy wrote:

@paintsew007 wrote:

Name any of the major parties leaders who is also not playing games with the public. They ALL give me the utter *bleeps* to be honest.

Clive Palmer cares about Clive Palmer. Don't be fooled

I don't think anyone here is fooled, it's more of while PUP are blocking the rubbish in the senate they will be supported for that, if that changes that will be the end of them at the next election. I don't think clive cares about that but i'm not sure about the others.    

Message 72 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

One word I agree with is 'rubbish' ....LOL


I would say that 99% of the pollies are only in this 'game' for themselves......public and the population at large are a secondary concern. These people are playing 'the game' all the way. They will do deals and play with whoever they can to get what THEY want first.


Clive Palmer's presence in all this and that of PUPs is certainly putting a spanner in the works. Bipartisans are really peeved. Good.

Message 73 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

My own opinion, not to be confused with general consesus on, Palmer, Clive.


*bleep*  *bleep*  *bleep* *bleep*  and he *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*  always *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*  only hope *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*

But  *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*  in defence *bleep*  *bleep* !!


*bleep* *bleep*   LOL


Also, remember *bleep*  *bleep*  *bleep* .



Map out your future, But do it in pencil, The road ahead is as long as you make it.
Make it worth the trip.
Jon Bon Jovi
Message 74 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

I have to say.....I truly ****bleeping*** well ***BLEEPINGLY*** agree with you 100 ***Bleepingwell** percent

Message 75 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

Smiley LOL

Message 76 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

Unfortunately, there will be number of swinging voters who will be impressed by PUP and will vote for them.  What PUP will do with even more power is anybody's guess.  I do not think any of them have any idea about economy or anything much else.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 77 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

All things Clive can be posted here



I wish Clive could be posted to somewhere far, far away.Smiley Mad


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 78 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread

Maiden sail of The Titanic II to a faraway place:


Message 79 of 133
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Re: Clive Palmer thread


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