Coronavirus update

Coronavirus update: Formula One Grand Prix called off, Trump announces travel ban, Tom Hanks tests positive

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Re: Coronavirus update

@brerrabbit585 wrote:

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Brerrabbit wrote: I know someone who goes on cruises that are paid for by someone else and they never declare it to Centrelink. One day they'll get caught out (I hope so).


Why would they have to declare the gift of cruise tickets to Centrelink? Should they also be expected to declare the value of every Birthday or Christmas present they receive or the cost of their meal any time someone takes them ot to dinner?

The rules have always been that they have to declare gifts.  If someone pays your electricity bill for you, you're supposed to declare it.  If someone pays for a cruise worth a few thousand dollars, they're supposed to declare it.  It's no different to someone giving them money and then they spend it themselves (rather than the other person do the actual paying).

As far as I knew, that only refers to Age Pensioners.



Message 21 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

I'm not dependent on welfare AT ALL, other than my low income health care card. My only income is what I make from selling - and it's a lot less than what people on Newstart get, so if I can manage then surely those who have twice my income (from benefits) can manage.
Message 22 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

No, not just OAPs. I can remember being told that by a c/l employee in the mid 90s. I've heard it since as well. It's a separate thing to being allowed a certain amount of income before your payments are reduced. I can't remember now because it's a few years since I filled in a form but I'm pretty sure gifts was one of the things in the long list of things that you're obliged to tell them about.
Message 23 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Not questioning you, Brer.


More power to ya.


These people have 3 teenage daughters and rent to pay.


I've been on welfare and didn't have to pay rent or a mortgage, and still found it hard going, if not impossible some weeks.

Message 24 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

I can remember some females asking me how I managed on the dole when I was in my 20s and when I told them I don't wear make-up and I make my own clothes, that seemed to be all the explanation they needed.

These days I eat liver and ox heart for the nutrients in them and it just so happens they're the two cheapest meats you can get. Liver is getting harder to find because most of it is going to Asia for $20/kg but I sometimes get given one and I give them some fabric, or eggs if I've got some spare.

I also pay tithes on my income and I'm better off financially for it. I'm often in the right place at the right time for some incredible bargains (including a lot of my selling stock) and it's more than just coincidence.


I don't know how anyone paying rent in Sydney could afford a holiday to China, unless the grandparents live in China and paid for them to come over.  Maybe they're earning money that they don't declare.  Some people are stupid enough to say things that end up getting them into trouble instead of just keeping their mouths shut.  I don't have a lot of sympathy because people were still coming back well after the virus was first publicised.

Message 25 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Peter Dutton has contracted covid-19 it has been reported.
Message 26 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
Peter Dutton has contracted covid-19 it has been reported.

Thought this was light banter at first - the Home Affairs Minister  ? really ? But is true !  

Message 27 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@imastawka wrote:

I'd like to know how a family on Centrelink benefits can afford overseas travel.



Depends on what the benefits are. People earning 6 figures get some level of welfare to help them survive on such a pittance.

Message 28 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

Median Rent for Houses in Guildford


For just two beds is about $400 per week

Signatures suck.
Message 29 of 3,689
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Re: Coronavirus update

@davewil1964 wrote:

@imastawka wrote:

I'd like to know how a family on Centrelink benefits can afford overseas travel.



Depends on what the benefits are. People earning 6 figures get some level of welfare to help them survive on such a pittance.

Peeps on 6 figures.


Got a link Dave.

Message 30 of 3,689
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