on 13-03-2020 07:07 AM
Coronavirus update: Formula One Grand Prix called off, Trump announces travel ban, Tom Hanks tests positive
on 22-11-2020 03:32 PM
on 22-11-2020 03:44 PM
The country as a whole has done so well.
We - all - are almost back to ' normal '.
We will have - Christmas.
on 22-11-2020 04:07 PM
don't let the bully's bully you off here Tazz.. your opinions matter as much as anyone else's
I'm so glad i can now go for walks without a mask on, this is something I've waited a long time for
on 22-11-2020 06:16 PM
* * *
@imastawka wrote:I understad, Tas. The one who speaks of bullying doesn't recognise it in themselves.
I will only be adding updates to this thread as that is what the title was meant for.
@chameleon54 wrote:
Lets keep some perspective here. Over a period of weeks I was subjected to a series of unjustified and derogatory posts from Tazz and others which frankly had escalated out of control. I put up with it for awhile, but eventually had enough and challenged tazz to back up his derogatory claims with just one post that supported the statements he made. He and others scrambled to look through months of my posts and came up with Zip, Zilch, Zero as the comments he was attributing to me, simply where not there.
Its wasn't bullying for me to request a poster substantiate unfounded claims they where attributing to me, its simply standing up for yourself against unjustified and unjustifiable attacks.
The last exchange I had with tazz I extended an offering of peace and the option to move on afresh
" Its just an ebay forum, I,m willing to extend an olive leaf if you have got a white dove handy...........
Instead tazz has chosen to move on. The toxic culture that has infected this forum does not just affect the victims of pile ons and group bullying behavior, it can be just as damaging for those who join in the pile on and make unfounded, derogatory remarks.
4channel writes:
Thinking back chameleon54, I think a year of two ago I was a bit upset as in another forum you had disagreed with a point I made and I didn't think you had fairly looked at it in the larger picture. But annoying as it was on that occasion, you never went over to being disrespectful or twisting things around. Actually I've never seen that with you. Recently we disagreed on GM and yet you conducted yourself in a good and faiir manner. More recently I saw you targeted with some unfair and dishonourable remarks when in fact the attackers should have debated you like you debated me. Well, you play the game fair they don't! That shows the weakness in their corner which can only be strengthened by numbers. In the eye of those wise-to-the-game, it's picked up. To those who are not wise it isn't. realised. And onlookers are sometimes duped by what they see with the numbers.
BTW: There'll be some of this crying wolf on behalf of someone else kind of thing. I see through it. I know you and a few other wise folk wiill too.
About this thread,. Ideally it should be about new things happening in and around the Corona virus issue. What's happening should be looked at from all angles and opinions no matter how diverse should be respected. The last thing we want is a conveyor belt with people saying "Yeah that's right" x 1000.
Now I believe that the Corona virus exists and I believe that there are ways of treating it that are are not given a fair hearing.
I also believe that the collatoral damage from the lockdown is not being looked at properly as there is hysteria attatched to this issue and that sometimes takes over. I also believe that economically and socially Melbourne may have issues that will be impossible to deal wiith whereas other states will have success.
on 22-11-2020 06:45 PM
The thread is supposed to be for updates, so people can see immediately any info they need.
It has gone waaaay off track
on 22-11-2020 07:07 PM
SA police seize mobile devices from man whose coronavirus lie sent state into lockdown
on 22-11-2020 07:09 PM
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announces coronavirus restrictions changes, including relaxed rules for face masks
on 22-11-2020 07:11 PM
Preparations begin for reopening of NSW-Vic border after 137-day COVID closure
on 22-11-2020 07:14 PM
lots of news today
i think gladys is making promises she cant keep
"We never want to see this ever again. This is the last time in our lifetime this border is closed and we know tomorrow morning after midnight it will be a whole new era for both of our states."
given another pandemic, and there is no reason to not think this could happen again, our leaders would use the same playbook in closing boarders to limit the spread.
on 22-11-2020 07:26 PM
I suspect Gladys is working on a vaccine being available soon, which seems to be the case.