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Diary of our stinking Govt.

As it's more than 100 days now, it has been suggested that a new thread was needed.  The current govt has been breaking promises and telling lies at a rate so fast it's hard to keep up.Woman Happy


This below is worrying, "independent" pffft, as if your own doctor is somehow what? biased, it's ridiculous. So far there is talk of only including people under a certain age 30-35, for now. Remember that if your injured in a car, injured at work or get ill, you too might need to go on the DSP. They have done a similar think in the UK with devastating consequences.


and this is the 2nd time recently where the Govt has referred to work as welfare???? So when you go to work tomorrow (or tuesday), just remember that's welfare.


Independent doctors could be called in to reassess disability pensioners, Federal Government says


The Federal Government is considering using independent doctors to examine disability pensioners and assess whether they should continue to receive payments.


Currently family doctors provide reports supporting claims for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).

But Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is considering a measure that would see independent doctors reassess eligibility.


"We are concerned that where people can work, the best form of welfare is work," Mr Andrews said at a press conference.


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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@pct001wine wrote:

How interesting (and convenient ?) that this alleged example of disability pension rorting just happened to involve a Muslim.  Plus the added bonus of throwing in a couple of so-called "controversial" figures (Pat O'Shane, Keyser Trad).

I am sure there are many more examples of this rorting amongst the non-Muslim community, maybe just not as newsworthy. 

yes isn't it ? It's pretty low that some feel the need to mention "rorting" as soon as they see a post about some of our most disadvantaged. Happy Easter. 

Message 11 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

not to mention the last line .... "and most Aussies would support it" ... as if the example quoted was a "non-Aussie" - the fear and loathing continues.  Divide, disenfranchise, demonise ...

Happy Easter to you too boris1gary ! Man Happy

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Message 12 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

It is well known that under the Keating government long term unemployed were encouraged to go onto the disability pension whihc of course took them off the unemploment statistics.


The above is total BS spin, there is no way anyone can/could be put on a disability pension unless their medical condition was assesed and deamed serious enough by Specialist Medical Practioners, along with covering reports from various other Doctors.  There was even a time, after being assesed by the above, you were also sent to a Centrelink Doctor prior to being granted a Disability Pension.

Message 13 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@electric*mayhem*band wrote:

Reading the OP, it could almost be an exact facsimilie of our lot of incumbent degenerates. Looks like it's the same the whole world over. No wonder comedy Dave (Cameron) is running scared of Nigel Farage and his UKIP party. It's a foregone conclusion that he (Farage) will do well in the EU elections next week, and with a general election coming up next year, might be a good idea if Dave the Rave started to pack up his goods and chattels for a quick move back to his pied-a-terre in Notting Hill - which incidentally, he rents out at £600 p.w.


This is the latest burden on the populace, thrust on them by the Tory party. (We've already had swingeing cuts to disability claimant's benefits).

EMB, Yes I remember reading about the new assessments in the UK, the one story that really stood out was the bloke who had had numerous organ transplants (most in the world, i think), still suffered from some truly horrible ailments, one being spontaneous internal bleeding. Yet he was declared "fit for work", by a "nurse" not even a Dr.Woman Mad

Message 14 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@pct001wine wrote:

not to mention the last line .... "and most Aussies would support it" ... as if the example quoted was a

Happy Easter to you too boris1gary ! Man Happy

"non-Aussie" - the fear and loathing continues.  Divide, disenfranchise, demonise ...


Yep, every day we are witness to the above by this poster and many seem to love it and support this type of hate.

Message 15 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.


Abbott..........just what kind of a bloke is our PM..............


Trying to convert a lifetime of negativity into motivating inspirational leadership has been a bridge to far. To say the least he has been totality uninspiring. In fact I can think of no other person in Australian public life who has made a greater contribution to the decline in public discourse, the lowering of parliamentary standards and the abuse of our democracy than Tony Abbott.


But one should not use the aforementioned language without substantiating one’s claims. So, Lest we forget these indiscretions from his past.


None of these events are in chronological order. They are just as they came to mind and are listed randomly in order to build a character profile.


1 When the President of the US visited he broke long standing conventions by politicising his speech as opposition leader.


2 He did the same when the Indonesian president visited.


3 He did the same when the Queen visited.


4 He could not help but play politics with the death of an Australian icon in Margaret Whitlam.


5 He would not allow pairs (another long standing convention) so that the minister for the arts could attend the funeral of painter Margaret Olley. Another Australian icon. Malcolm Turnbull, a personnel friend was also prevented from attending. There have been other instances of not allowing pairs.


6 He refused a pair whilst the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard was on bereavement
leave following the death of her father.


7 Then there were the callous and inappropriate remarks he made to Bernie Banton.


8 At university he kicked in a glass panel door when defeated in an election.


9 Referred to a woman Chairperson as “Chairthing”


10 He was accused of assaulting a woman at University, and later acquitted. He was defended by a QC and the girl defended herself.


11 Another woman accuses him of throwing punches at her. And hitting either side of a wall she was standing against. He says it never happened but others corroborate her story.


12 He threatened to punch the head in of Lindsay Foyle who disagreed with him on a woman’s right to an abortion.


13 In 1978 a young teacher by the name of Peter Woof bought assault charges against Abbott. Abbott had punched him in the face. The charges never went anywhere. Abbott was represented by a legal team of six and the young man could not afford to defend himself.


14 And he did punch out Joe Hockey’s lights during a rugby match.


15 He established a slush fund to bring down Pauline Hansen and then lied about its existence.


16 He was ejected from the House of reps once in obscure circumstances. Hansard is unclear why, but it is alleged that he physically threatened Graham Edwards. Edwards lost both his legs in Vietnam.


17 In the year 2000 he was ejected from the House along with six others. Philip Coorey reports that he was headed toward the Labor back benches ready to thump a member who had heckled him.


18 Abused Nicola Roxon after turning up late for a debate.


19 Then there was the interview with Mark Riley where he had a brain fade that seemed like it would never end. I thought he was deciding between a right hook and a left cross. Something that I found mentally disturbing and worrying . After all, at the time this was the man who could be our next Prime Minister.


20 Together with Pyne he was seen running from the House of Reps to avoid embarrassment at being outwitted.


21 Being the first opposition leader to be ejected from the house in 26 years because he repeated an accusation of lying after withdrawing it.


22 The infamous “Sell my **bleep**” statement verified by Tony Windsor. Will Windsor ever release the mobile phone transcript?


23 The interview with Kerry O’Brien where he admitted that unless it was in writing he didn’t always tell the truth.


24 And in another O’Brien interview he admitted lying about a meeting with the catholic Cardinal George Pell.


25 During the Republic referendum he told many outrageous untruths.

Message 16 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@silverfaun wrote:

@pct001wine wrote:

not to mention the last line .... "and most Aussies would support it" ... as if the example quoted was a

Happy Easter to you too boris1gary ! Man Happy

"non-Aussie" - the fear and loathing continues.  Divide, disenfranchise, demonise ...


Yep, every day we are witness to the above by this poster and many seem to love it and support this type of hate.

False and interpersonal. Please desist from targeting my posts on a personal level. Address the OP by all means.

prostate cancer ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos
Message 17 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.



It’s Time For the Disabled To Stand On Their Own Two Feet!


Antisocial Services Minister, Mr Kevin Undress announced today that he had no announcement on changes to the Disability Pension but that he had several things under consideration including spending money on doctors to check up on the work of other doctors.


When asked if he was trying to reduce the number of people on the Disability Pension, he denied this, saying,  “This is not about targets … it’s about a better system that will actually help people because we think work is the best form of welfare.” He went on to say that this was entirely consistent with the government’s position on the Age Pension. “We promised that we wouldn’t be changing the Age Pension, and we’re not. We’re just changing the age at which people can access it. But we intend to keep it the same amount as it is now by abolishing future increases.


This is what we promised. No changes to the Age Pension. And because it’s welfare, and work is the best form of welfare, the longer people work the better. In fact, I believe that Joe is considering a work for the pension scheme. Nothing too strenuous. And only for those pensioners who are able to. But as most of them just potter round the garden, so there’s really no reason for a large number not join the Green Army.”


In response to a suggestion that it was rather un-Christian to announce these changes on Easter Sunday, he insisted that it was entirely consistent with the teaching of the Church.After all, Jesus did tell the lame to take up their beds and walk? He didn’t tell them to go on the Disability Pension, did he? No,  he told them to stop lying around. If anything, it’s welfare that’s un-Christian.”



In other government news, there are suggestions that the National Water Commission may be abolished in a bid to save money. A spokesman for the Minister’s Office, Mr Spinner said that it was unnecessary, as it was only an advisory body and the Minister never listened to any advice anyway. “Its functions could be much better served by using private consultants, because they are so much more efficient. We only pay for the advice we want. And secondly, bodies like this are subject to enormous amounts of red tape where they have to justify their spending, whereas private consultants don’t have the same restrictions.” The press conference ended abruptly when he was asked if there was a concern that this could drive up the price of Grange.



Mr Spinner later issued a statement clarifying that by saying “We only pay for the advice that we want”, he actually meant to say “We only pay for advice when we need it” and that while private consultants didn’t have to justify their spending, this didn’t mean that they didn’t spend their money wisely. He followed this by a further statement clarifying that by “wisely”, he meant “appropriately and prudently”. He followed this by issuing a statement saying that there’d be no further statements from him on anything as he was going on leave, something which he’d been planning for ages, and that any further questions should be sent to the Prime Minister’s Office.




Message 18 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

Nice thread boris 🙂

Message 19 of 17,615
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Re: Diary of our stinking Govt.

@donnashuggy wrote:

Nice thread boris 🙂

Thanks Donna, can you remember what thread that nice pic of Abbott as Mrs Thatcher was posted in, I think it belongs here but I can't find it. Woman Happy

Message 20 of 17,615
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