on 20-04-2014 10:21 PM
As it's more than 100 days now, it has been suggested that a new thread was needed. The current govt has been breaking promises and telling lies at a rate so fast it's hard to keep up.
This below is worrying, "independent" pffft, as if your own doctor is somehow what? biased, it's ridiculous. So far there is talk of only including people under a certain age 30-35, for now. Remember that if your injured in a car, injured at work or get ill, you too might need to go on the DSP. They have done a similar think in the UK with devastating consequences.
and this is the 2nd time recently where the Govt has referred to work as welfare???? So when you go to work tomorrow (or tuesday), just remember that's welfare.
Independent doctors could be called in to reassess disability pensioners, Federal Government says
The Federal Government is considering using independent doctors to examine disability pensioners and assess whether they should continue to receive payments.
Currently family doctors provide reports supporting claims for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).
But Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is considering a measure that would see independent doctors reassess eligibility.
"We are concerned that where people can work, the best form of welfare is work," Mr Andrews said at a press conference.
on 15-01-2015 02:28 PM
15-01-2015 02:33 PM - edited 15-01-2015 02:34 PM
15-01-2015 02:34 PM - edited 15-01-2015 02:35 PM
Hello arma ...
15-01-2015 02:35 PM - edited 15-01-2015 02:36 PM
Not another bus pic, thanks
on 15-01-2015 02:37 PM
'outrage bus' is so last week.
I see Fred Nile rant's are being labelled 'offensive' in the media. Probably because they are.
on 15-01-2015 02:39 PM
on 15-01-2015 02:41 PM
15-01-2015 02:42 PM - edited 15-01-2015 02:43 PM
Quote - Ms Ley said she planned to work together with the Senate and sector to make the health sector more sustainable and said she would welcome crossbencher's ideas.
Why do the crossbenchers and/or the Opposition have to come up with ideas. Isn't that what the Health Minister, Treasurer, Prime Minister etc are gettng paid to do? To create Budget proposals that are fair to all and are likely to pass in Senate. Not default the problems to others, when the LNP proposals turn to out to be duds.
15-01-2015 02:44 PM - edited 15-01-2015 02:45 PM
on 15-01-2015 02:59 PM