Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

Mollie Meldrum was over the top?

While poor old gold logies winner Samuel Johnson (who I'd never heard of but that means nowt)

was trying to get his thoughts together to thank everyone  Mollie steps up and edges him out

and rambles on for 5 whole minutes, most of which  could not be understood.


In fairness he has brain  damage from an accident but word has it that he had imbibed a lot of booze too, not a good mix with medications..


I like Mollie,  he's everyone's pet really, .  but there's a limit.


Bad show. 


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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

Perhaps someone should have used the Hook.



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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

Message 3 of 18
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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

Honored Contributor

I think both of them were disgraceful.


Samuel Johnson had earlier won Best Actor and when he accepted the award he launched straight into a speech about his sister having cancer and how they were raising money for research.   Not a word of thanks to anyone in connection to the show that won him the award nor the public who voted for him.


While he may not have been responsible for Mollie butting in on his Gold Logie speech it was not a good look.

As far as I am concerned he has probably blown his chances of raising money from anyone who thinks good manners are important.


Message 4 of 18
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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

He did thank people for the Logie, Lyndal


He was responding to a reporter who queried whether he was really retiring from acting


I think, being the Logies, the alcohol was flowing freely.



Warning:  Language.




And Molly's never been easy to understand, Bright.

Message 5 of 18
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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

Yes Stawks, he did thank people for the Gold Logie, but did you actually see him accept the Best Actor award?  Not a dickie bird of thanks for that one.

Message 6 of 18
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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

Aw c'mon. Lyndal.     How can you object to this speech?


Thanks, or no thanks, the excitement is on his face.





Message 7 of 18
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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

i stopped watching award shows a long time ago as it was just people doing their jobs awarding themselves awards so they could have a booze up and pat each other on the backs.


they are actors not nobel peace prize winners....so their speaches are often not great, maybe they should hire speach writers to write their thankyou speaches? more jobs and better speaches?

Message 8 of 18
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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

But David,  Logies winners are voted for by the public, not other actors.



Message 9 of 18
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Did anyone else watch the Logies last night and think that .....

@imastawka wrote:

Aw c'mon. Lyndal.     How can you object to this speech?


Thanks, or no thanks, the excitement is on his face.





Excitement or not, there is never any excuse for rudeness and it is very rude not to thank people who have voted for you to win an award.  He could have done that it one sentence and then plugged his fund raising attempts.


But then again, I am not a fan of Mollie and feel the whole life story was a waste of time.

Message 10 of 18
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