on 16-11-2014 12:11 PM
on 16-11-2014 02:35 PM
Fish and chips........oh, my!! Two bob for 3 pieces of fish and an abundance of chips, all wrapped up in yesterday's newspaper, in which you tore a hole to get at the tucker...........
Not to mention the iceman coming around every week..........
16-11-2014 02:40 PM - edited 16-11-2014 02:41 PM
Fish 'n' chips - "Half a shark and a quids' worth" dad always said
16-11-2014 02:42 PM - edited 16-11-2014 02:47 PM
I don't remember over the last 30 odd years supermarkets having limits on their specials.
I do remember when grocery stores were independent. My Aunt & Uncle had one. They closed down when supermarkets opened up as they couldn't compete on price. Loved visiting them - icecream from the shop for dessert and allowed to fill a small bag of sweets each.
I got 50c to buy my lunch in town at high school.. pie with peas & gravy, soft drink and a bag of sweets on the way back to school.
(we ate home grown fruit, veges and home grown meat the rest of the time).
on 16-11-2014 02:43 PM
@grandmoon wrote:I remember the baker delivering with his horse and cart, the milkman came during the night so we didn't see him. We also had the man who delivered the wood and coal during the winter and he also delivered the ice as well, I remember him giving us big chips of ice to suck in the hot weather.
Oh yes,
Remember leaving the milk bottles on the front porch - with the pennies for more.
Couldn't do it these days - it would become a profession - nicking the milk money.
16-11-2014 02:54 PM - edited 16-11-2014 02:56 PM
@imastawka wrote:I also bet you remember listening to the radio.
Wireless, Helen, wireless!
It was too..
and later I remember my dad (a great gambler on the gg's) lsitening to the races on his transistor radio ???
I bought him one for $10 when I went to Paddys Market in Sydney on holdau when I was 17 - he thought it was GOLDEN
16-11-2014 03:00 PM - edited 16-11-2014 03:00 PM
@imastawka wrote:Fish 'n' chips - "Half a shark and a quids' worth" dad always said
cept where I came from it was Fush and Chups, and 2 bobs worth, but I know you mean...........
on 16-11-2014 03:08 PM
Yeah, you can say fush 'n' chups.eh?
But I was reprimanded for saying 'surriously' once
16-11-2014 03:25 PM - edited 16-11-2014 03:26 PM
greencat is from NZ (me too).. that makes a difference doesn't it? When you are part of the group you are being cheeky about?
on 16-11-2014 03:29 PM
@imastawka wrote:Yeah, you can say fush 'n' chups.eh?
But I was reprimanded for saying 'surriously' once
Reminds me of a favourite bit of graffity.
On a wall in Sydney - to do with the Football.
Australia : Sux
New Zealand : 7
on 16-11-2014 03:32 PM
Hey, am, it was you that got pernickety with me about 'surriously'