Dog Parks, are they safe?

Dog attack sparks calls for segregated parks to protect smaller breeds


I was in favour of a dog park being established near where i live, but i have recently changed my view.

i would love a place where i could take FOO and let him off lead, but the thought of him being attacked by someones agressive dog has put me off the idea.


ive seens news reports of dogs attacking other dogs in dog parks too often now.

Message 1 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?

Cos I can't think of anywhere else a dog doesn't have to be on a leash,  except a leash-free park, that is.

Message 11 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?

Well I just told ya, my council allows dogs to be walked off leash    ..... just cause you havent heard of it, doesnt meant it isnt true lol

Message 12 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?


Well I just told ya, my council allows dogs to be walked off leash    ..... just cause you havent heard of it, doesnt meant it isnt true lol

so i guess your council will act like its a complete shock when someones dog off leash attacks and kills a child.


i mean how could that possibly happen, they only allow 'good' dogs to be off leash!

Message 13 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?



Well I just told ya, my council allows dogs to be walked off leash    ..... just cause you havent heard of it, doesnt meant it isnt true lol

so i guess your council will act like its a complete shock when someones dog off leash attacks and kills a child.


i mean how could that possibly happen, they only allow 'good' dogs to be off leash!

I dont make the rules David, you would need to ph my council and ask them    ..... I didnt say I agreed with it, so pls dont shoot the messenger

Message 14 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?

did i shoot anyone?


i just made a statement.


it seemed to me though you didnt have a problem with your councils position on dogs in public.


maybe you might feel differently when you hear of a child, or anyone for that matter, being injured or killed by a dog off leash in your area.


even if you dont own a dog, you ought to have an opinion on weather its ok for dogs to be off leash in public.


i'm also pretty sure the old 'as long as they are under control' line has been debunked well and truly. many councils are smart enough to know allowing dogs off leash under that term does not give them imunity.


itd be like saying 'our buses are driven by blind people but its ok as they will be acompanied by a seeing eye dog'

nothing could go wrong there hey?

Message 15 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?


did i shoot anyone?


i just made a statement.


it seemed to me though you didnt have a problem with your councils position on dogs in public.


maybe you might feel differently when you hear of a child, or anyone for that matter, being injured or killed by a dog off leash in your area.


even if you dont own a dog, you ought to have an opinion on weather its ok for dogs to be off leash in public.


i'm also pretty sure the old 'as long as they are under control' line has been debunked well and truly. many councils are smart enough to know allowing dogs off leash under that term does not give them imunity.


itd be like saying 'our buses are driven by blind people but its ok as they will be acompanied by a seeing eye dog'

nothing could go wrong there hey?

David    .... How you choose to interpret my post/s is/was up to you    ...... 

Message 16 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?

Dog owners are also tax and rate payers and they should have a right to place where they can let teir dogs to socialize and run off the leash, just as any other group in society.  Actually, dog owners pay registration, which can be quite high in some concills; it's $50 here, but my daughter pays over $100.  In most areas there are plenty of parks where dogs are either not allowed at all or have to be on the leash, so people who do not like dogs can go there. 

Our local off the leash park can get quite busy on weekends, but is often empty mid morning and that is when I take my dogs for run.  I have in the past came across some dogs that were not properly controlled; there were some huge very boistrous dogs who jumped all over my little puppy and jumped on me and hurt my shoulder.  I have never seen a dog fight. 

Most attacks on children or adults happen at home, usually when the dog is guarding something, or the kids pester the dog. 

Message 17 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?


 Where I live, dogs are permitted to be walked off lead at all times, so no need for off leash dog parks   ... 

Our council has the same policy. Dogs can be walked off lead anywhere if under the control of the owner. AND YES it causes a lot of problems. We have native areas in the township with a very rare sub species of nesting hooded plovers. Dogs off lead have decimated the population smashing eggs and killing chicks. People and other dogs are regularly intimidated or attacked by some-ones pride and joy who is " just being friendly ". Many responsible, often elderly dog walkers who keep their dogs on leads also carry large sticks to fend off other peoples dogs.


I,m a pretty big strong bloke, but I have been harrased and concerned for my safety on two occasions by off lead aggresive dogs. Around twelve months ago there where terrified screams coming from the walkway near the river in front of our house. A middle aged woman was being viscously attacked by an off lead staffie. I ran down to her with a shovel and with the help of neighbours we fought the dog off.  


Our 85 YO neighbour lost her beloved cat to an off lead dog attack. It was devestating for the elderly woman as she lives alone and her cat is her only companion. I have also had to stop my ute in town and jump out to protect another elderly lady walking a lap dog on lead from an unrestrained large dog.


Its a totally stupid policy if you ask me, but in our town the dog lobby is fairly organised, active and vocal. They remind me of the gun lobby in America and it would be a brave councilor who tried to ammend the act and require all dogs to be on leads. The silly part is the council has spent a six figure sum on a dog park, but because people can walk dogs off lead, anywhere, no-one uses it.


Having said all of that, I regularly let my dogs off lead at a large dam on my farm and they just love playing chasey and swimming. Its the highlight of their week.

Message 18 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?



 Where I live, dogs are permitted to be walked off lead at all times, so no need for off leash dog parks   ... 

Our council has the same policy. Dogs can be walked off lead anywhere if under the control of the owner. AND YES it causes a lot of problems. We have native areas in the township with a very rare sub species of nesting hooded plovers. Dogs off lead have decimated the population smashing eggs and killing chicks. People and other dogs are regularly intimidated or attacked by some-ones pride and joy who is " just being friendly ". Many responsible, often elderly dog walkers who keep their dogs on leads also carry large sticks to fend off other peoples dogs.


I,m a pretty big strong bloke, but I have been harrased and concerned for my safety on two occasions by off lead aggresive dogs. Around twelve months ago there where terrified screams coming from the walkway near the river in front of our house. A middle aged woman was being viscously attacked by an off lead staffie. I ran down to her with a shovel and with the help of neighbours we fought the dog off.  


Our 85 YO neighbour lost her beloved cat to an off lead dog attack. It was devestating for the elderly woman as she lives alone and her cat is her only companion. I have also had to stop my ute in town and jump out to protect another elderly lady walking a lap dog on lead from an unrestrained large dog.


Its a totally stupid policy if you ask me, but in our town the dog lobby is fairly organised, active and vocal. They remind me of the gun lobby in America and it would be a brave councilor who tried to ammend the act and require all dogs to be on leads. The silly part is the council has spent a six figure sum on a dog park, but because people can walk dogs off lead, anywhere, no-one uses it.


Having said all of that, I regularly let my dogs off lead at a large dam on my farm and they just love playing chasey and swimming. Its the highlight of their week.

Wow, you really do spin some amazing "tales", every considered writing a book? Fictional of course 🙂



See Stalker, more than one of us lives in a "prison 🙂




Message 19 of 22
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Dog Parks, are they safe?

I think dog  offleash parks are safe until they're unsafe, which is to say it only takes one dog ......i have been going to 2 large offleash parks for years and in that time have witnessed 2 attacks in one of the parks, the other no attacks.  


Dog attacks of course are not confined to parks and often occur  at home, or by dogs allowed to walk offleash in built up areas which i 

think is a stupid idea anyway  as i know of several dogs that have run onto the road and been killed.   


What to do?  For me i'm aware of risks in the park but choose to let them offleash but not to roam too far and stay close.      .  





Message 20 of 22
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