Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

Has anyone paid a cleaner to come in and help with household chores and cleaning ?

Was it worth it ?

What was the cost ?

What did the person do ? How often did you need them ?

I am not coping with the housework / can't seem to get on top of things / no help from the kids,, of course. And I work the night shift and feel wiped out most days.

But I think if I had someone who would help with cleaning, help me get the beds changed and made, and rooms tidy, life would be abit easier.

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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

I've always had cleaners although haven't for about 3 years.


They are a bit hit or miss. Some are great and some hopeless. If they are from an agency I find them worse generally. Word of mouth ones are always better.


I used  to have them come 3 hours (which is generally the minimum) every week. They would do the basics - bathrooms cleaned, kitchen scrubbed down, floors washed, house dusted, clean sheets for beds. And then beyond that I would get them to do ironing if there was spare time.


The cost will be about $30 to $40 an hour depending on where you live and how big your house is.


It's kind of worth it. The problem with us is that we have stuff everywhere and it is too hard an ask for someone who doesn't live there to put things away so we always had a mad scramble every Friday night to clear the house so that they could then clean what needed to be cleaned.


If you and your family are tidy, then well worth it.

Message 2 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

My dd has a lady come in twice a week, for a total of around 10 hours. She is amazing. Cleans, empties the dishwasher, does laundry, changes beds, folds laundry and organises every cupboard in the house on a regular basis. The pantry is super tidy, and even the tupperware cupboard is tidied every week. Wish I had her. 🙂  She asks $20 per hour which I think is too cheap. She doesn't iron, but will clean windows inside, and tidy the kids bedrooms.

Message 3 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

I've never had anyone come in but I have a friend who cleans houses. She charges $30p/h which is probably one the high side but she's a very hard worker and her clients are happy to pay that amount. I know some of her jobs are only a couple of hours a fortnight, and some are 6 hours once a week. It all depends on what you want them to do and how often, you should get to set the tasks.


If you are on facebook join a local group and ask for recommendations.



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Message 4 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

Can you send her over, Please. Kateymatey ! She sounds perfect
Message 5 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

I have a friend who has just had this lady do all her windows and more and she only charges $10ph.  She said she was so thorough she has asked her to come back and do more.  She was a "word of mouth" contact who wants as much work as she can get.  You have to be lucky.

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Message 6 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

@ashjoma wrote:
Can you send her over, Please. Kateymatey ! She sounds perfect

She is wonderful. One of the kids was ill overnight and my dd changed the bed and put the sheets to soak. Told her lady to pls not bother with them that she would sort it out after work. When she came home they were washed and dried.:)



Message 7 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

@katymatey* wrote:

My dd has a lady come in twice a week, for a total of around 10 hours. She is amazing. Cleans, empties the dishwasher, does laundry, changes beds, folds laundry and organises every cupboard in the house on a regular basis. The pantry is super tidy, and even the tupperware cupboard is tidied every week. Wish I had her. 🙂  She asks $20 per hour which I think is too cheap. She doesn't iron, but will clean windows inside, and tidy the kids bedrooms.

Ok Katey.


At the risk of sounding awkward, backward, totally lost ( all of which I am & obviously have more letters in my words ).


What is your dd.


Smiley Wink

Message 8 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

We could all do with an Alice from the Brady Bunch from time to time.  



Message 9 of 24
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Re: Getting someone in to help with housework / cleaning

 I just saw a local ad on fb, she charges $90 for a large home, $60 for an average size, $47 for a small home, does floors, kitchen, bathrooms, laundries, on a fortnightly booking. Discounted for weekly.

Another one I saw will come on an hourly rate of $30 and will do whatever you want her to do, ironing, folding, floors, change beds, windows, bathrooms etc.

Message 10 of 24
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