‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message


such a kind giving fellow, but dont you think the poor would rather a few more pennies in their fortnightly payments mal?

you cant pay the electricity bill with a hug mate.

well ok, you might be able to.



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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

 ‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message


I thought it was magnanimous on the part of Malcolm to visit the mean streets of Sydney and rub shoulders with the great unwashed. He wisely parked his Rolls Royce about two blocks away out of sight. I saw him promise a homeless guy an autographed photo if the guy polished his car. It's a side of Mal we rarely see.

Message 11 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
Photo op. Plain and simple.

At a superficial level there may be some truth in this, but it ignores the purpose of the Photo op.


Politicians use photo oportunities to communicate in a simple way the standards and ideals they wish to promote in government.


Malcolm Turnbull has always had a strong sense of philanthropy. This was evident long before he became prime minister and his message and actions this Christmas are completely consistent with personal values he has expressed over the years. We can debate the reasons he holds these values, but personally I would rather a Prime minister who has a genuine sense of remembering those less fortunate, than one who couldnt care less.


Sure the guys not perfect, but at least he,s out there having a go.

Message 12 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

Maybe he should have flown out to the Solomon Is and planted some trees.
Message 13 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

"Malcolm Turnbull has always had a strong sense of philanthropy"

That's right. That's why the poor he looks after will have to endure excruciating pain because philanthropist Mal allowed the public dental scheme budget to be slashed by two thirds meaning dental clinics will be shut. But to be fair he had to find the money somewhere to give to a crooked multinational company so they can pull coal out of the ground.
Message 14 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

@village_person wrote:

 ‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message


I thought it was magnanimous on the part of Malcolm to visit the mean streets of Sydney and rub shoulders with the great unwashed. He wisely parked his Rolls Royce about two blocks away out of sight. I saw him promise a homeless guy an autographed photo if the guy polished his car. It's a side of Mal we rarely see.

Assuming that you jest....


Message 15 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

this hug thing will make sense when mal anounces plans to introduce a 'hug tax'

Message 16 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:

"Malcolm Turnbull has always had a strong sense of philanthropy"

That's right. That's why the poor he looks after will have to endure excruciating pain because philanthropist Mal allowed the public dental scheme budget to be slashed by two thirds meaning dental clinics will be shut. But to be fair he had to find the money somewhere to give to a crooked multinational company so they can pull coal out of the ground.


Your dentist story is just another load of labor " lies, darn lies and statistics". Similar to the mediscare campaign they ran in the election. Luckily enough Australians had the intelligence to see through the Labor bull and voted Liberal.


My wife and kids all use the government dental scheme exclusively for all of their dental care. They have found the scheme very good with annual check-ups and any further work followed up in a reasonable time.


Unfortunately there are plenty of people around silly enough to swallow Labors porkies. Enough at least for them to keep the pigs in the air for the gullable party faithful.

Message 17 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

Neither Labor nor LNP are to be trusted. They both owe their primary loyalty to their shareholders paymasters donors of huge amounts of private money.


The political philosophy of the LNP is to privatise govt services; the rationale being that private industry (by means of competition) will provide a a better, more efficient and cheaper alternative.


We in South Australia were made the same promise when our electricty service was privatised and we know how that turned out.


Have you noticed how things like health, education and utilities used to be referred to as "services" but are now increasingly referred to as "industries"?


The lies come from both sides of politics when they issue from the mouths of those whose eye is on their private fortunes first and the fortunes of their political party second and, oh yes, maybe lastly on the fortunes of those who actually vote them into office (but remember that they lie and cheat and steal from those people in a con game to get their vote in the first place).





Message 18 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

we only have to go back to the rudd v abbott election to see political lies taken to a whole new level.


all those who blindly believed tony's pledges suddenly discovered nothing he 'promised' came true.


including we wouldnt have a change of leaders mid term!

Message 19 of 26
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‘Give a hug’, says Malcolm Turnbull in Christmas message

Dentists have slammed the Turnbull government's new dental scheme, describing it as a "smoke and mirrors" plan that will cut $200 million a year from the system and put further pressure on public waiting lists.

And this
Message 20 of 26
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