Government plans to cull 2 million feral cats.

Community Member

Cheapest way for someone to get rid of an unwanted cat is to release it in the bush,(hence we now have a


major problem due to those irresponsible people).


Then you get numbskull's like Bardot "protecting" them,(if they are left alone they will destroy more of our




They need to put some of that wildlife in her hands and then tell that a single cat can kill a thousand of them


each year,stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif


My OH had cats for years and they were always "fixed" and we've handed in dozens of cats and kittens that


were abandoned because the previous "owners" didn't do the right thing.


A feral cat is one of the most vicious and aggressive animals you'll see and they'll try and tear you to pieces,


(we always had a sturdy metal cat carrier to put them in).


My personnel opinion on cats is best kept quiet,tease.gif


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Re: Government plans to cull 2 million feral cats.

The Cat Myia was 17 years old there and the Budgie 7 years old.


Boo the budgie arrived on my door step one day and I could not find his owners.


I was going to find him a nice home.


I used to cover him at night and in the morning take the cover off and say good morning baby, after 3 weeks I took his cover off one morning and Boo said good morning Baby.


That was it the new big cage for him and he was mine, never heard a budgie talk like he could talk.


He was a special budgie and he would tell you he was a special budgie.












Message 41 of 45
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Re: Government plans to cull 2 million feral cats.


Message 42 of 45
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Re: Government plans to cull 2 million feral cats.

So sweet- Boo Heart

Message 43 of 45
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Re: Government plans to cull 2 million feral cats.

I didn't watch the video. How are they going to kill the cats? 457 May Maus with poison darts?
Message 44 of 45
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Re: Government plans to cull 2 million feral cats.

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
I didn't watch the video. How are they going to kill the cats? 457 May Maus with poison darts?

release the feral dogs?

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