on 30-04-2016 01:18 PM
on 30-04-2016 01:24 PM
More info?......................Richo.
on 30-04-2016 01:35 PM
AUSTRALIAN users of the popular online sales site Gumtree may be targeted by online criminals after the site was hacked last weekend, exposing users’ personal details.
The company, owned by online auction house eBay, contacted many of its customers to warn accounts had been “compromised in a security attack” which it had reported to the Australian Federal Police.
“The attackers accessed your email address,” the email read.
“Contact names and phone numbers, which are made publicly available on the site if provided, were also accessed.”
Financial details and passwords were not exposed in the hack, the company said, as it used a third-party gateway for payments.
Details of the data theft have been reported to both the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Privacy Commissioner.
Full story here -
30-04-2016 02:02 PM - edited 30-04-2016 02:03 PM
on 30-04-2016 07:13 PM
Tks bakeandfry, I was going to list a few things there but will leave it for a goodly while now, if ever.
on 30-04-2016 08:23 PM
I seem to remember it also happened to someone else, not a million miles away.
on 30-04-2016 10:47 PM
Sorry about that, in my haste i forgot to put the link in, lucky Stawka is on the case.
on 30-04-2016 11:13 PM
on 01-05-2016 08:41 AM
@serendipityricho wrote:More info?......................Richo.
on 01-05-2016 10:09 AM
I got the email from gumtree this morning. If it's only my email they have got that's ok. I use different ones for different things, and I've already been in and changed passwords. Still annoying though.