on 14-01-2014 09:16 AM
on 14-01-2014 08:16 PM
Answer the question please.
on 14-01-2014 08:17 PM
Skirting my question Jethro?
on 14-01-2014 08:17 PM
You are a hero poddy
on 14-01-2014 08:22 PM
Nah I am not a hero, Just an average person, maybe a bit more aware than average but nothing else
on 14-01-2014 08:27 PM
No, i havent been imprisoned. now you answer Poddster . why were you in jail .
on 14-01-2014 08:32 PM
Its insulting the way you jumped right into the “jail” assumption. An apology is in oder quick smart pal.
on 14-01-2014 08:34 PM
You jump to conclusions Jethro. There were no locks. But you knew that of course.
An you have still skirted my question, let me reiterate. Have you had any first hand expierence withe those places you call gaulags
on 14-01-2014 08:38 PM
Alright, if you were not in Jail i apologise, as your sidekick demands. where were you to speak with authority then ? a camp of some description ?
on 14-01-2014 08:42 PM
Yes Silverfaun
Poddy is alright
and a darn sight better than most
on 14-01-2014 08:45 PM
We tend to favor those who share our views. What is harder is respect for those who do not. If you can manage that there is some hope.