If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

There is an online peition you can sign:


"We, the undersigned, request that the Australian Press Council conduct an investigation into News Corp Australia’s media coverage of the 2013 Australian federal election campaign.

We also request that appropriate action is taken to prevent this from happening again in the future."







“I’ve got my purse and my gift and my gloves and my selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and my monoamine oxidase inhibitor and I have my anti-anxiety disco biscuits and I am ready to go. I am really ready!” Sheila
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174 REPLIES 174

Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

geez all i did was ask for suggestions on where  to get news from 



Message 141 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

there is no deflection that I can see Ibis ....the point is not that anyone wants to ban Murdoch media...merely ask that it follows the guidelines that it is supposed to .Jumping on the ban wagon is what his press did with their Stalin etc publications...not good for them to have to do that right thing ..'for us'



they want those caps for themselves...

Message 142 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

thanks for that answer iza, as always clear as mud


now anyone else want to answer my question?

Message 143 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

maybe you need to answer yourself Ibis, since it's you who seems to feel that Murdoch Media will be banned.

Message 144 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

Great first day by PM Abbott firing top bureaucrats,merging departments and killing carbon tax. Much more to do yet.


Message 145 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...



Press Council finds Fairfax fabricated AWU Gillard stories


A scathing assessment of the ethics of Fairfax Media by the Press Council confirms Fairfax’s decision to follow the tawdry lead of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp in falsifying ‘news’ for political ends, writes Alan Austin






Message 146 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

Community Member

@buzzlightyearsgirlfriend wrote:

There is an online peition you can sign:


"We, the undersigned, request that the Australian Press Council conduct an investigation into News Corp Australia’s media coverage of the 2013 Australian federal election campaign.

We also request that appropriate action is taken to prevent this from happening again in the future."







yo buzz


whats the tally?


how many siggies do you get?

Message 147 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

I wonder if Slater and Gordon has made or will  make complaints re News Ltd as they did Fairfax ?


unrelated to the above is the promise  as detailed below by David Donovan of IA and the then and now reporting of it by some media sources..




Tony Abbott’s broken Indigenous promise and News Corp Breaking Bad


As far as I was aware, Abbott has not spent the days since he was sworn in last week in an Indigenous community.

So, while watching the final episode of Breaking Bad (Series One), I sent out the following tweet:



Forgive if I recall incorrectly, but didn't Abbott promise to spend his first week as PM in an Indigenous community?

I was astonished to find that, within a minute of me posting that tweet, the national political editor of News Corporation’s Sydney Sunday masthead, the Sunday Telegraph, responding to me directly, denying Abbott had ever made this commitment:


Samantha Maiden's reply 8.10 PM,22 Sept 2013no he promised to spend a week a year as PM

read more: http://www.independentaustralia.net/2013/politics/tony-abbotts-broken-indigenous-promise-and-news-co...


Message 148 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

according to the above that was  only tweeted reply number one

it got worse

Message 149 of 175
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Re: If you wish to protest about Murdoch's involvment in the election...

Message 150 of 175
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