on 26-06-2013 03:03 PM
This is not 'a gift that fell from the sky', it was a sentimental possession lost in a car park.
Surely the request to claim it on insurance is dodgy!
on 26-06-2013 04:35 PM
It reads like the jeweller who made it tracked down the owner.
The Rev probably likes his wife enough to give it to her? (if he has one)
on 26-06-2013 04:40 PM
The bracelet had a security code on it, so I guess whoever found it, if they wanted it valued at a jeweller, the jeweller would see the code and alert the person who brought it in as to who owned it.
The bracelet owners were a bit critical of the police because they felt the police could have tracked them down when it was handed in, if the Rev managed to do it. Then they may have got it back from the police before the 2 months was up?
on 26-06-2013 04:42 PM
The clergyman said he became aware of the security code, which led him to the Bevans, imprinted on the bracelet when he took it to be valued and insured.
If there was no code he would have just kept it, as he wouldn't know who the owner was?
on 26-06-2013 04:43 PM
The clergyman said he became aware of the security code, which led him to the Bevans, imprinted on the bracelet when he took it to be valued and insured.
Mr Bevan said they were delighted when they heard from the jeweller from whom they bought the bracelet that it had been found.
The jeweller passed on the Rev. McAuliffe's details and Mr Bevan emailed him to arrange collection.
on 26-06-2013 06:24 PM
Yes, the Rev agreed to have his details passed on to the owners. He could have just walked out of the jewellers with the bracelet and kept it as he had been given it back by lawful means after it wasn't colllected for 2 months from the police?
I presume if someone steals or finds a bracelet with a security code.. no reputable jeweller would buy it off them, nor those would the pawn shops etc. if they are not the original owner.
on 26-06-2013 06:27 PM
Did he agree? His details would have been on the valuation he asked for.
He did walk out of the jewellers with it....
on 26-06-2013 06:39 PM
Really? Whats wrong with that? I would've just sold it
on 26-06-2013 06:46 PM
Look on the bright side, at least he's not out there raping young boys. .
on 26-06-2013 06:49 PM
He gave it back and apologised
on 26-06-2013 06:52 PM
Bob, that is just revolting seriously grow up. The man lacks integrity lets face it. He is supposed to be someone who helps people not rips them off. I hope the church disciplines him over it because quite frankly he shouldn't me a rev if that story is accurate.