Kris kringle

What's a decent kris Kringle gift for an adult   mixed gathering, around $20, 


Chocs.....they might be on a diet

Drink   they might be in AA

That's   the extent of my ideas, brain dead.     😨     

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Kris kringle

How about one of those Random Harvest gourmet gift packs?

They are often my fall back for small gifts.

You can often get a small jar of relish or sauce, sometimes with a little pot or knife with it.


It won't be one of their bigger ones, but there are several around the shops in the $20 range at the moment.


There's a nice raspberry & chocolate sauce duo for $19.95 for those with a sweet tooth. Great for Christmas day with icecream etc

Message 11 of 29
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Kris kringle

woolies also has some potted plants, quite nice ones at $15, or else an orchid at $20

Message 12 of 29
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Kris kringle

@bright.ton42 wrote:

Apparently with this one everything that is bought is put into a basket and you pick something out.   which is why it has to be unisex.  Stationery used to be a great idea from what I remember but i don't think any of those going would use it. 

Well...the advantage of stationery is they can always re-gift it. 🙂


Thinking about the last Kris Kringle presents I got...

One was an odd cheap pottery vase.  I kept it at work on a bookshelf.  Needless to say, when I retired it had to come home too.  Oh well, I might donate it to charity.  The other present was a soft mid size teddy bear.  Love it - that one's a keeper.


If presents have to be that broad then almost anything will probably do.  After all, unless you own up they'll never know who bought it.


Message 13 of 29
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Kris kringle

Some good original ideas here, thanks.  Me, I would love the teddy bear, but that's me.   But it's true, nobody knows who gives what and things can be regifted.  Anyway you've all got my little brain working again.  Woman Very Happy


Message 14 of 29
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Kris kringle

A good quality garden hose with spray nozzles ???


Our family play a Kris Krigle game that is a lot of fun. Each person brings one gift wrapped, kris kringle gift of set value ( perhaps $10- $15, its not about the value) . We draw numbers from a hat. First person opens gift. Second person can either pinch the first gift or open a second gift. This continues with one other twist. If a person chooses to pinch a gift instead of opening a new one, the person who has their gift pinched, can  pinch from someone else or choose to open a new gift. The game can continue for at least half an hour and finishes when the last gift is opened. 


It often works out that most people end up with their preffered gift, or at least one a partner might like and there is usaully a lot of laughs as several people may all want the same gift and the pinching sessions can go on for several minutes until some-one chooses to open a new gift instead of pinching.


It works out very well where people have different tastes in gifts and different age groups are gathered together. Our family Kris Kringle game covers ages 16 - 75 with very diverse tastes..

Message 15 of 29
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Kris kringle

Chameleon, I know a very large family that plays that exact same game.


Everyone ends up happy.

Message 16 of 29
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Kris kringle

Our family added an extra twist to this game last year. Everyones Kris Kringle gifts had to be something you had laying around the house, but had not used for awhile. We had a 1970,s fondu set still in original box, a book of funny cat cartoons ( with block of choclate ) , a very nice wall picture, a new tap timer, still in original packaging and a vintage alarm clock in working condition, amongst other things.


Earlier this year at a garage sale, I found a dancing Elvis to mount on the dashboard, still in original packaging. That will be going in the Kris kringle along with something more useful. All up a lot of fun.

Message 17 of 29
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Kris kringle

 I had to buy an anonymous  $20 Kris Kringle unisex gift to go in a 'lucky dip' at a family party this year. After racking my brains for ages I realised that no-one in my family actually needs a $20 gift, so my recipient will get a Christmassy chocolate bar, a gingerbread man and a $20 donor card from World Vision for a child's toy. 

Message 18 of 29
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Kris kringle

I saw a very clever idea yesterday that could be adapted for a Kris Kringle present.  The person had bought a few cheap shadow box style photo frames and low value gift cards (could also use scratchies).  She then arranged them in the frames surrounded with lollies, chocolate coins, a few christmas decorations etc.  The ones I saw looked lovely.  

Message 19 of 29
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Kris kringle

My only experience with a Secret Santa/ Kris Kringle was when I was a member of a group.....the leader of the group gave each person an address to send a gift to. 


All gift went off in good time.  Most participants told us when gifts were received etc.   I waited and waited for confirmation that my gift had arrived but by Christmas week all I saw was that the person I sent the gift too was annoyed that she did not get anything.   She was embarrassingly vocal about it too.

I eventually contacted the group leader and assured her that I had sent the gift.

It turns out that the address I had been given was a PO Box that was rarely used and my gift had been there all the time.  I felt the apology posted was not very genuine, after the pasting she had given me, her SS.


I swore I would never go in a SS/KK again, ever!

Message 20 of 29
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