on 19-02-2013 01:31 PM
What now pussycat??? B-)
on 19-02-2013 01:37 PM
i heard christine milne at the press club a short while ago. the greens will not support abbott and intend for the parliament to run full -term. she also says they will block him in the senate and doubt he has the ticker for a double-diss election shortly after the next.
which means nothing has actually changed, she's campaigning thats all.
on 19-02-2013 01:53 PM
Why campaign now?
Does Christine know something that we don't?
The aggreement was cobbled between the Greenies and the Ranga, so if the Ranga is no longer on the top rung then the aggreement is null and void.
Christine is stealing a march on the Ranga and getting in first B-)
why campaign now ? rabbitt has been campaigning for years.. it never stops.
after the dust settles and for arguements sake.. envisage another hung parliament. who do you think milne will support ?
on 19-02-2013 01:58 PM
LL I guess you do not believe that polls are a reflection of populations wishes.
Ask JOOLYA!! she might lend you her glasses, (even though they are rose coloured) you might get a fleeting glinps of reality
on 19-02-2013 02:15 PM
why dont you reply to the post poddy ? more of the same old does nothing for the 'point' you were attempting to make in the OP. this far out polls are academic and can change . i'm not going to speculate on september unlike the pundits who have 'called' the results already. Fox did that with romney and wound up with egg on their faces. theres something in that for you..
on 19-02-2013 02:28 PM
LL my concidered opinion of the Greens is that they would love to exert pressure on ANYONE they could to further their idiotic agenda. They know that thinking people wont have a bar of then so they would have no choice but back labor
on 19-02-2013 02:43 PM
quite the contrary, greens supporters are 'thinking people' our departed friend dorro is (was) a good example .
on 19-02-2013 05:54 PM
LL my concidered opinion of the Greens is that they would love to exert pressure on ANYONE they could to further their idiotic agenda. They know that thinking people wont have a bar of then so they would have no choice but back labor
Opposing gas seam drilling =idiotic?
on 19-02-2013 06:28 PM
LOL... not even the Greens like Gillard.
But the Greens don't dislike them enough to withdraw support and send us to an early election.... it seems they know that some will not have jobs at the end of the next election so they will still carry on supporting a party that they do not like just for the sake of a pay cheque.
on 19-02-2013 06:37 PM
Would you resign by withdrawing support?
In all honesty?