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Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

Just when I had already hit a bit of a doldrum... we've been hit with another 5-day lockdown in Melbourne.


Fellow Melbournians, I hope we can listen to each other, even if what we want to say is "Something is rotten in the state of Melbourne" or "Curses upon this COVID" or merely a wordless whimper.


I hope we can encourage each other if we're ready to be encouraged. (Sometimes a cheerful "Chin up" is salt in the wound, and all one wants to do is snarl "NO! My chin is not going up.")


I also hope we can give some ideas of what we can do during this snap lockdown AKA circuit-breaker, to not be overwhelmed when we've already had a rotten year.


  • I have a new Toro edge trimmer. I'm going to trim the evil grass by the fence and in all of those places beyond the lawnmower's reach, and I'm going to do it while singing "Der Hรถlle Rache" at the top of my voice.
  • I'm going to bake a sugar-free German cheesecake, cut it up into neighbour-sized portions, and leave the portions in front of neighbours' doors while I scoot off and text them to check their door.
  • I'm going to write more. Nearly there.
  • I'm going to perm my cat's fur. (Not really. He'd not stand for it.)
  • I'm going to buy some Tojiro shears from a Japanese seller.
  • I'm going to set up totem tennis in nearby garden/park and whack the begoodnessgraciousme out it.
  • I'm going to re-read all of the Discworld novels.


It's not a very impressive list, I realise. It's just a start.


Please post with your own suggestions or comments or worries or complaints. I hope to see this thread go a little crazy, or else [in menacing voice] this fly which I've just abducted and am holding hostage is going to get it.



Message 1 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

Whatever you do, don't wash the cat, as it is best to let them wash themselves..

And you never know, all that hacking and coughing getting all that fur out of

your throat, might see you mistaken for a super spreader and banished to 

dan viemens land


take care countess   and dare I say


chin up

Message 2 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

Community Member

@countessalmirena wrote:

Just when I had already hit a bit of a doldrum... we've been hit with another 5-day lockdown in Melbourne.


Fellow Melbournians, I hope we can listen to each other, even if what we want to say is "Something is rotten in the state of Melbourne" or "Curses upon this COVID" or merely a wordless whimper.


I hope we can encourage each other if we're ready to be encouraged. (Sometimes a cheerful "Chin up" is salt in the wound, and all one wants to do is snarl "NO! My chin is not going up.")


I also hope we can give some ideas of what we can do during this snap lockdown AKA circuit-breaker, to not be overwhelmed when we've already had a rotten year.


  • I have a new Toro edge trimmer. I'm going to trim the evil grass by the fence and in all of those places beyond the lawnmower's reach, and I'm going to do it while singing "Der Hรถlle Rache" at the top of my voice.
  • I'm going to bake a sugar-free German cheesecake, cut it up into neighbour-sized portions, and leave the portions in front of neighbours' doors while I scoot off and text them to check their door.
  • I'm going to write more. Nearly there.
  • I'm going to perm my cat's fur. (Not really. He'd not stand for it.)
  • I'm going to buy some Tojiro shears from a Japanese seller.
  • I'm going to set up totem tennis in nearby garden/park and whack the begoodnessgraciousme out it.
  • I'm going to re-read all of the Discworld novels.


It's not a very impressive list, I realise. It's just a start.


Please post with your own suggestions or comments or worries or complaints. I hope to see this thread go a little crazy, or else [in menacing voice] this fly which I've just abducted and am holding hostage is going to get it.



You have ALL the Discworld novels??? THAT is truly cool! I only have 20! Have you seen any of the movies? Or the miniseries? Good Omens is hilarious! 

Message 3 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

I saw the lockdown news on a big screen TV while I was eating lunch out at a pub with some members of my husband's family. We were collecting some old photos of his family so

* I have a big job of scanning ahead of me and trying to identify some of teh people. I am proud to report I think I got the grt grandparents in one when all around me couldn't. I don't like to brag but hey, this isn't even my family line. But there's a certain feeling of satisfaction in being able to say, "Now that is definitely Georgina Ranger and her husband as I can match the photos to others similar on Ancestry.Smiley Very Happy So bring it on.

* There are 2 massive chocolate blocks in the fridge. I think it is probably time for a fridge clean out, and to eat some of the leftovers.

* Obviously a lockdown is a signal from the universe that it must be time to stock up on toilet paper. I only have 30 spare rolls so it is clearly incumbent on me to rush out and buy as many packs as i can before the stores stock up again in oh, a day or so.Smiley Wink

I can't believe I didn't do this yesterday actually.

* What did I do when I got home? I looked at the clock and it was almost 5pm. Yes, the library was still open so the sensible move of course was to go to stock up for a reasonably long haul. I could barely carry the bag on the way out but I scored some good light reading and a couple of cookbooks.Smiley Happy

*I'll probably be breaking the 5km zone thing. Child care for grandkids. I can't find any info about it online but I can't see any way past it as I have kids relying on me so they can work. I know last time that was classed as care giving I think.

Message 4 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

I am making some Shoji screens for the windows in the dining room. Smiley Happy

Well, my first attempt anyway.

image host
Message 5 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

I am making some Shoji screens for the windows in the dining room. Smiley Happy

Well, my first attempt anyway.

Never knew what a "Shoji screen" was is certainly my buddy..


good luck with it all..

Message 6 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

 "There are 2 massive chocolate blocks in the fridge. I think it is probably time for a fridge clean out, and to eat some of the leftovers".



Message 7 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

Image result for lockdown memes

Message 8 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

Not much changes here  ............. Plenty of Summer  crops to be harvested, preserves, made into different salads etc. Gardens to be tended, house to be cleaned, lawns to be mowed etc etc ( all the same ol' stuff )


Hubs is getting ready to paint the outside widow frames and trim, that will take him more than five days lol


Only one BIG change here is that I took a heavy tumble last Tues, ambo, A & E etc, so I am laid up  and cant do anything or go anywhere for at least another five days, so hubs is chief cook n bottle washer ( n everything else ) atm, so I wouldn't have been going anywhere, lock down or not

Message 9 of 51
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Re: Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

crazy through frustration - if Victoria can not manage returnees safely, for the rest of us,  then is clearly time to end accepting arrivals in that State 

Message 10 of 51
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