London Attack

Shocking, just shocking 😞

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Re: London Attack

Message 21 of 35
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Re: London Attack

its just a thought but maybe, just maybe, is they want to stop terror attacks they might like to try not killing large numbers of innocents while pretending to wipe out terrorists.


US confirms coalition air strike in Iraq district where dozens were killed


maybe, just maybe, the people who turn into terrorists see these stories on tv and decide to even the score?


its just a thought.

Message 22 of 35
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Re: London Attack

And a pretty accurate one, Dave.


We can't expect them to be grateful to us for taking them in as refugees after we've bombed their cities to smithereens and killed hundreds of their countrymen, family and loved ones. Created thousands and thousands of refugees.


Of course they'll seek retribution.

Message 23 of 35
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Re: London Attack

i repeat what i have said before, we (the western world) caused most of the problems we are now getting.


as soon as we jumped into bed with george w bush to go kick the carp outta iraq it was allways going to end up here.


we reap what we sow.


i'm not saying sadam hushain was a nice feller but he was their dictator and i might add the USA had a big finger in the pie that created him. we blindly followed the USA into war without any forward planning on where that war might lead, and geeze havent there been enough wars to figure out this one was going to be a really bad decision?


back then we had george w telling us they got weapons of mass destruction, they didnt.


now we have a lunatic as president of the USA who says whatever comes into his head from minute to minute. how soon before he says someones threatening the USA, lets NUKE THEM!

Message 24 of 35
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Re: London Attack

London attack: Passer-by defends herself against 'those who cannot look beyond attire


this is why there are terrorist attacks.

someone who may well be suffering terribly from witnessing an horrific event is targeted by numbats who wernt there and are basing their argument on a one moment in time thing, because the persons wearing a head scarfe!


every person reacts differently when under extreme pressure, some run towards danger others turn and flee. thats what makes us human! then there is everything between the running towards and away.


i have no idea how i'd react in the situation this woman found herself in.....ITS CALLED SHOCK!


to sit holding your "SMART" phone looking at one image and deciding you must tell the world using your emense ability to read minds that this lady is an uncaring muslim is a bit rich. does anyone know what this lady is doing at the moment the photo was taken? well obviously she does but quite likely cant recall now because of "SHOCK"


does anyone know what this lady has seen in the time leading up to the moment the photo was taken, only she knows right?

injuries, blood and worse.

so how many of us can witness that and be not affected?


geeze some of us judge others quickly, and the press just destroys people for a quick headline, disgusting.


no wonder nutters become terrorists.

Message 25 of 35
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Re: London Attack

The situation we see today has many of the hallmarks of a great scam.


Find an excuse to invade a country whose "democracy" we want to ensure (but coincidentally, whose oil we also need) and in the process, enable a continued western military presence in that country as a "peace keeping force" (but coincidentally also because it suits our stategic interests) because we made it so darned unstable in the first place. Clever, eh?


butter wouldn't melt, would it?


further to the process, our actions cause the displacement of many refugees fleeing to the west whose net effect is to force the price of labour wages ever lower, meanwhile competing for housing, thus forcing the price of houses ever upwards.


and, because of the risk of terrorists entering along with the refugees, or along with the fact that our actions cause domestic radicalisation towards "terrorism", well, we just have to increase surveillance of our civillian population and boost our securtiy teams and issue them with bigger guns and more  bulletproof vests and capsicum sprays to use on dissenters while making it illegal for ordinary dissenting civillians to protect themselves with masks, bulletproof vests and helmets or capsicum spray.


it's a riot.


A riot watched on television, or on cctv, from the safety of gated and maybe also heavily guarded "communities" who watch on aghast as the "mob" tears itself to pieces, ultimately providing us with the excuse to find a final soultion?


Many good words are spoken while at the same time oh so many really bad actions are taken. In whose interests?


Who you gonna vote for? . .  what you gonna do?


To quote the late Gough Whitlam (even if out of context), "What can you bloody do?"


We're being scammed and lied to, and threatened to cast our vote for politicians who do not have our best interests at heart.


It's been a very successful scam so far. and when you're on to a good thing . . .


















Message 26 of 35
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Re: London Attack

@davidc4430 wrote:

has anyone had an actual reason why bryant the scumbag shot all those people?


most of the so called terrorists have somewhere made a statement or been mixed up with terror related stuff, even if its just looking stuff up on the internet.


i dont think ive ever hear anyone say weather bryant has ever said why he thought murding all those people.

Message 27 of 35
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Re: London Attack

@azureline** wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

has anyone had an actual reason why bryant the scumbag shot all those people?


most of the so called terrorists have somewhere made a statement or been mixed up with terror related stuff, even if its just looking stuff up on the internet.


i dont think ive ever hear anyone say weather bryant has ever said why he thought murding all those people.

"Once you break it down you begin to see a terrible tragedy. Take the suicide out and it wouldn't have happened, without the [inherited] money it wouldn't have happened, take the guns out and it wouldn't have happened. Provide a little more effective care and it probably wouldn't have happened."


If he felt like a victim and wanted to die then why not shoot himself at home instead of creating more victims.


Making excuses for him stinks,(he's a cold blooded killer).



Message 28 of 35
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Re: London Attack

its a very human trait to blame someone else when we realise we did something wrong.


its quite normal to see someone in court pleading not guilty when they are as guilty as its possible to be then their lawyer starts the whole lie on why his client isnt responsible.


like the lawyer in the case ended a couple of days ago of the nutter who tried to rape and murder 2 backpacker girls here in south australia.


the lawyer stood in court and says i put it to you he didnt attack you but you removed your bikini yourself and were dancing around naked.


um, the bikini was clearly CUT off mate! are you really saying she used a KNIFE to CUT off her bikini before this dancing about?

and why would she CUT off her bikini when its so EASY to just TAKE it off?


DEFENCE lawyers should have to tell the TRUTH too.

Message 29 of 35
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Re: London Attack

@go-tazz wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

has anyone had an actual reason why bryant the scumbag shot all those people?


most of the so called terrorists have somewhere made a statement or been mixed up with terror related stuff, even if its just looking stuff up on the internet.


i dont think ive ever hear anyone say weather bryant has ever said why he thought murding all those people.

"Once you break it down you begin to see a terrible tragedy. Take the suicide out and it wouldn't have happened, without the [inherited] money it wouldn't have happened, take the guns out and it wouldn't have happened. Provide a little more effective care and it probably wouldn't have happened."


If he felt like a victim and wanted to die then why not shoot himself at home instead of creating more victims.


Making excuses for him stinks,(he's a cold blooded killer).



I don't think anyone is making excuses for him but everything people do, has a reason. I don't think he had the mental capacity to carry out a suicide.

Message 30 of 35
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