on 19-01-2013 07:58 PM
This is Screech.
For the last couple of months we've had a very diligent Tawny Frogmouth pair sitting on their nest close to the house. We've watched with anticipation and were finally rewarded by seeing a little bundle of fluff popping his head out of the nest.
Then last weekend - DRAMA - I walked outside to see a massive monitor making his way towards the Tawny tree. Screamed at hubby to come and help, we tried to avert disaster, but the monitor was way too fast for us and scaled the tree.
Mumma Tawny was very panicked, as the monitor came closer to the nest she flew off into a nearby tree. She gave me a look of absolute desperation HELP ME! (yes, she did!) but the nest/monitor were way too high for us to do anything. Hubby tried to throw things at the monitor, but I stopped him as the monitor's life is no less precious than the chicks - I didn't want to see the monitor get toppled out of the tree and hurt or killed. Plus hubby damn near hit my car with a rock. ;\
I put some eggs around the base of the tree so the monitor could see them, in a vain attempt to lure him away from the chick. We had to go out briefly, so wished the Tawnys good luck. Alas, when we came back, the nest was empty :_|
Went about our afternoon chores when suddenly I spotted baby Tawny! Sitting on the ground next to the tractor. We dropped everything, made him a makeshift nest and put it up in the tree, then caught him and put him in the nest. We saw Mumma and Pappa Tawny watching nearby.
Cut down a long story, Bubba kept jumping out of his nest over the next three days and Mumma and Pappa abandoned him, so the decision was made to bring him inside to keep him safe from both the monitors and our dogs. (our four young ones would kill him).
He will be released as soon as he can fly properly and learn to catch his own bugs (I am catching them for him at the moment). He's all puffed up and hating me in the photo, that's a good thing, we don't want him imprinting on us. He's feeding really well though (I hate you, I hate you, yum, yum, more please, I still hate you).
on 13-09-2013 12:04 AM
on 13-09-2013 09:31 AM
Hello Everyone!
I know I promised I wouldn't leave it so long last time, but we had another tragedy and I have been staying away from the computer. Another great big hug for the lovely Tas, who has been sending me such lovely messages of support - a very special, caring, lady
Our dear little 10 year old Pomeranian went missing last month and a little over a week later we found her remains - we believe she was taken by a dingo I spotted across the road when I was out searching for Smudge (our little dog).
Smudge was my heart dog and I have taken her loss very, very badly. She was my little shadow, but somehow she managed to slip out of our gate and go wandering in the paddock up the driveway where the dingo grabbed her.
I spent all of the week she was missing going crazy and plastering the place with flyers in letterboxes, vets, shops, listing her on facebook, etc, etc. It was devastating to find her remains, but I am grateful we had some resolution, as I had some awful phonecalls from people telling me of a dog fighting ring in the next (rural) suburb and that she would have been used as a bait dog. Of course whilst she was missing there was some slim hope that we may get her back, but it was torture thinking of her being scared, cold, hungry and mistreated.
We also have a little 10 year old chihuahua, Smudge's "sister", they have been together since 8 week old pups and never seperated, so she was pining very badly for Smudge, so much so that she didn't want to eat and just spent all her time under the bed. In desperation I took LuluBelle (the chi) up to the RSPCA for a meet and greet with a little 10 year old scruffer who had been dumped. Lulu was terrified being at the RSPCA with all the dogs barking, so they suggested I took Squirrel (the scruffer) home for the day/night to see how things went.
Things went very well and the next morning I took little Squirrel back to the RSPCA to bust him out of jail forever. He has now been with us for two weeks and has settled in like he has always lived here. The change in LuluBelle has been amazing, although she is not particularly bonded to Squirrel, it seems having another little dog (all our other dogs are large) has been what she needed.
Anyway, this is Squirrel:
He was in a pretty bad way when the RSPCA got hold of him; he was infested with fleas and is bald on his back from flea dermatitis, had a mouth full of rotten teeth and his (remaining) fur was badly matted. I've been bathing him in a herbal dog shampoo for dermatitis twice a week and already it's made an amazing difference to his coat. He's also had a hair cut since this photo, so he can see better out of his eyes.
on 13-09-2013 09:37 AM
Hi Monsters. That is very sad.
Squirrel is so cute. He is lucky to have found such a lovely home.
on 13-09-2013 09:37 AM
Screechy boy has flown the nest, he went missing the same week Smudge did; he was becoming wilder and wilder over the weeks preceeding; would only fly down every few days at dark, gobble his dinner, then fly off again; wasn't interested in Screechy smooches and would spend a day or two away from "home" before returning to "his" tree in the chook yard. Often he would completely ignore me altogether and just fly off into the night without dinner.
It is Tawny breeding season, so I am very hopeful that he has found a lovely wife and they are busy raising a little family (or of course she has found a lovely husband, as I was never sure of his/her sex). Very bittersweet, it was so lovely sharing Screech's life, but I must look at it as a total rehabilitation success, now that Screech no longer needs me and has completely returned to the wild. I keep looking up all the trees to see if I can spot him, but on 120 acres of heavily wooded land, it's like searching for the proverbial. I keep my fingers crossed that one day he may visit me again.
on 13-09-2013 09:57 AM
on 13-09-2013 10:07 AM
Thanks Joono.
After we found Smudge I swore I would never have another little dog; but poor Lulu was in such a state I thought it may be worth a try.
Nothing will ever, ever replace Smudge, but Squirrel has helped mend hearts.
on 13-09-2013 10:20 AM
Thanks Debra, and to everyone who kept Screechy's thread bumped. I am sorry I have been absent for so long, I tend to retreat into myself when I am hurting.
Squirrel has settled in so well, although he won't let me out of his sight and must be where ever I am at all times. He sleeps on my pillow, Lulubelle sleeps on "daddy's" pillow - leaves very little room for human heads! We also share the bed with three cats, one medium sized dog and one large dog (Squid, who is growing like a weed), so when hubby is home from work it is a very crowed bed! The other two large dogs sleep in the adjoining room (kind of like a dressing room off the bedroom) with a see-through gate separating them as they can't be trusted with the cats.
I keep telling hubby we need to get another king size bed and have them both side-by-side, but I know what would happen; OH would be spreadeagled on the one bed and I would still be squished up in a corner on the other with all the critters.
"Daddy" has no qualms about pushing someone off if he's uncomfortable; "Mummy" (me) is the soft touch and will sleep curled up in a ball to accommodate the other bodies. One of the cats has taken to sleeping on top of me all night, so I have developed a unique "roll-over" tactic to ensure he doesn't fall off when I shift positions.
on 13-09-2013 05:40 PM
Monsters !!!!!!! I'm sooo happy to see you back posting but also so very sad to hear that you've had such a low time in your life.
I hope life starts treating you well, you certainly deserve it.
Great to hear Screech is now standing on his own two feet and it would be wonderful if he/she returns to show off his/her baby.
I can only imagine how squishy your bed must be lol it's bad enough with a couple of cats !!
Looking forward to seeing more pics of all your animals.
on 13-09-2013 05:49 PM
Hi Monsters--good to see you posting again.
The highs and lows of farm life.
You did a special job with that young owl and gave it a new chance in life......Richo.
on 17-09-2013 08:18 PM
Rescued from page 3.
Had an idea the thread was back on the go again..............Richo.