Man hit by side of train at Preston station


Whilst i have never smoked and would find someone smoking on a train i was riding very unpleasant i really dont like the fact we have a police force who turn minor incidents into life and death outcomes.


when we wind up injuring people or in worst case senarios killing them over very minor incidents i think we have mucked up badly our policing system.


utube is littered with evedence of police taking minor incidents and turning them into these rediculous over the top outcomes.

are police not getting trained how to defuse potential powder kegs?

are police not allowed to just move back from something until the person calms down, even if it means the person leaves?

from many of the videos ive sen the police create a problem then suddenly there can be 5 or 6 police officers sourounding a law breaker provoking a response just so they can take something that maybe was a warning and go on your way to a street fight with multiple police piling onto the perp.


yes, smoking on the train...bad


but a simple  "sir, its an offence to smoke on the train please dont do it, on your way" might have been a better use of police time.

now we have a news worthy incident, multipe police officers needing to write reports (how much time and money does that use up?) hospital resources being used up, ambulance peoples time. if he survives a court case?


no wonder we have ever increasing taxes to pay for these things.

Message 1 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

Well if he's smoking drugs thats silly to do in public.
Message 11 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

I didn't say he was smoking drugs.


If he'd been smoking drugs, they would have hauled him off and handcuffed him.


They just asked him to get off, so they could talk to him about smoking on the train.


That's when he bolted - straight into the side of the train.

Message 12 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

@michellebartley wrote:
I disagree. I dont smoke anymore because of these new regulations. If you think Im going to smoke at home ONLY you have another thing coming. People should be allowed to smoke almost anywhere within reason. I remember the good ol' days when you could enjoy a **bleep** in a cafe. Now the country's run like a nunnery.
You have got to be kidding,shok.gif

No they shouldn't smoke wherever they want blowing cigarette smoke near other people,(especially places


that serve food).

The "stench" from a smoker can make some people nausea's.
There are rules/laws in place for areas that you can't smoke at/in and if you break those rules you will
get fined.


 I hope the poor bloke who got harassed and hit by the train sues them for $10,000.000.00. He deserves every dollar. I certainly would not wish anyone to get hit in the head by a train especially over a bloody **bleep**.

He doesn't deserve a cent as he broke the rules/law and therefore he should be the one paying the fine,good.gif



Message 13 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

@michellebartley wrote:
I disagree. I dont smoke anymore because of these new regulations. If you think Im going to smoke at home ONLY you have another thing coming. People should be allowed to smoke almost anywhere within reason. I remember the good ol' days when you could enjoy a **bleep** in a cafe. Now the country's run like a nunnery. We'll all be wearing nuns habits soon dished out by the government. I hope the poor bloke who got harassed and hit by the train sues them for $10,000.000.00. He deserves every dollar. I certainly would not wish anyone to get hit in the head by a train especially over a bloody **bleep**.

I've never smoked and I hated it when smoking was allowed everywhere. It wasn't just an ideological preference, it was an actual physical thing-the smell of smoke filled air was horrible, it made it hard for me to stay in the room yet sometimes I had to.


So I think it is fair enough the tables have turned & we have no smoking in cafes & workplaces.


As for someone running away & injuring themselves. Nope, they should not get compensation. This is where our country has gone completely wrong. People do the wrong thing & expect to get compensated for stuff they bring upon themselves. I read of one man who threw a brick at someone's window, it bounced back, hit him, so he sued for damages. Or the thief who sues because he injures himself trying to break in.

Time to put a stop to all that sort of nonsense.

Message 14 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

Who are the Protective Services Officers; are they the police?

Message 15 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

Ignore my last post, only the first two replies loaded when I initially clicked on the topic. I see now that my question was answered earlier in the thread.

Message 16 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station



People should be allowed to smoke almost anywhere within reason. I remember the good ol' days when you could enjoy a **bleep** in a cafe


I have one word in reply to this part of your post: selfish




I hope the poor bloke who got harassed and hit by the train sues them for $10,000.000.00. He deserves every dollar


michelle, what are you smoking thinking?


I will declare that I am a life-long non-smoker, but I am not an anti-smoker and never have been.  Some of my best friends are smokers, as are some of my family members.  
Message 17 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

What are you thinking...not a lot by the sounds of it.
Message 18 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

Smiley SurprisedSmiley Surprised

Message 19 of 29
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Man hit by side of train at Preston station

We'll get on your high horse about the alcohol and gambling also. You sound slightly like a "WOWSER". My mother was a nurse when she was young (before world war 11) and took up smoking whilst nursing as there was a Polio epedemic going on, this apparently killed Polio germs. So there you go.
Message 20 of 29
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