Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

Community Member

THE average worker could be hit with an increased Medicare levy of about $300 a year in next month's budget to help pay for the national disability insurance scheme.


The federal government is seriously considering increasing the Medicare levy from 1.5 to 2 per cent after Prime Minister Julia Gillard warned "urgent and grave" decisions were needed to cope with a $12 billion hit to tax revenue.


The Daily Telegraph understands while the higher Medicare levy would be presented as a reasonable form of "insurance" to protect families from the huge costs of coping with a disability, no final decision has been made whether to include it in the May 14 budget.


Ms Gillard will face attacks that it is another broken promise after she last year ruled out increasing the Medicare levy to pay for DisabilityCare

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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(


Agree but therein lies the problem, how can we trust the present government to put the money towards the NDIS ? when so many other promises have been broken.

I know a family with a child with a disability and they struggle, they have other children as well. The help would be so appreciated if only a small amount because the cost of raising a child with a disability is enormous and only those who are involved with this dilemma can fully appreciate the costs.


She has been up front about the costs.

She is demonised no matter what she says or does.


People complain about education then people complain about measures to improve education.

People complain about health and then people complain about measures taken to improve the system.

People complain about disability support and then people complain when measures are taken to improve things for disabled.

People complained about pensions being too low and when they are increased some keep complaining they are too low.

Message 31 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(


She has been up front about the costs.

She is demonised no matter what she says or does.


People complain about education then people complain about measures to improve education.

People complain about health and then people complain about measures taken to improve the system.

People complain about disability support and then people complain when measures are taken to improve things for disabled.

People complained about pensions being too low and when they are increased some keep complaining they are too low.


freakie - there is something seriously wrong with our posts, things you said are attributed to me and visa versa, would hate for people to think we are on the same page :^O. (joke joyce)

People will complain, that is human nature however my main concern (complaint) is not that the measures put forward are not realistic it is that there is no money to pay for it because they spent it all

Lack of foresight because their spending was based on what they MIGHT get in the future out of the mining tax etc and not what they actually had in the coffers. Borrowed more money, spent more money and her philosophy is borrow and spend, if business's did this they would soon be bankrupt and that is the way we are heading. 

If you ran your household budget on what you might get paid next week and then lost your job it is a similar result.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 32 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

Community Member


She has been up front about the costs.

She is demonised no matter what she says or does.


People complain about education then people complain about measures to improve education.

People complain about health and then people complain about measures taken to improve the system.

People complain about disability support and then people complain when measures are taken to improve things for disabled.

People complained about pensions being too low and when they are increased some keep complaining they are too low.

Message 33 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

Community Member

Personally I don't think Miss Gillard has been up front about anything her whole career statting with the affairs with married men & the shonky slush fund deals & the knifing of Rudd.


This policy is a naked grab for a "legacy" anything she can grab onto is fair game at this point to shore up her PM' ship that has been a disastrous experiment for Australia.


She will be gone in Sept & I for one will be glad to see her go, along with her incompetent cohorts. The only thing I regret is that it's going to be 18 more weeks Australia has to suffer.

Message 34 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

so people will be better off under the NLP when the tax free threshold is dropped back to $6000.    $5.76 a week isn't even 2 cups of coffee in comparison to funding the NDIS

Such is life.
Message 35 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

This policy is a naked grab for a "legacy"



Did you read the submissions ?


Message 36 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

The Daily Telegraph understands while the higher Medicare levy would be presented as a reasonable form of "insurance" to protect families from the huge costs of coping with a disability, no final decision has been made whether to include it in the May 14 budget.



What part of the bolded text do you not understand? Its only a proposal

Message 37 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

Just another communist scheme from a bunch of commies.

This country is becoming so communist it is not funny-we should be getting rid of all welfare, government payments, disability schemes, and move to a user pays system.

Why the hell should the government pay out all this money for this sort of garbage-the government should not be paying the unemployed dole bludgers-get sick? well how about you pay for it, medicare-pffft get rid of it.

what a load of trash-too many people in this world wanting handouts for free, ever heard of working for your money?

Want a good education for your kids well how about you PAY for it-why the hell should money be poured into the public school system?if you really care for your kids you would be paying for the best education not taking handouts from the government then complaining about the school system.

How many worthless dole bludgers have iphones, cable tv etc and then run to st vinnies for handouts because they have racked up mobile phone bills and can't feed their kids.

Message 38 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

Just because you may be recieving a disability pension does not mean you can't be employed in some way.


Depending or course on the severity of the disability, the child I am talking about will never be able to work, play and is severely disabled. He is totally dependant on his family for everything and will be for the rest of his life.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 39 of 161
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Medicare levy hike to pay for the NDIS :(

Just another communist scheme from a bunch of commies.

This country is becoming so communist it is not funny-we should be getting rid of all welfare, government payments, disability schemes, and move to a user pays system.

Why the hell should the government pay out all this money for this sort of garbage-the government should not be paying the unemployed dole bludgers-get sick? well how about you pay for it, medicare-pffft get rid of it.

what a load of trash-too many people in this world wanting handouts for free, ever heard of working for your money?

Want a good education for your kids well how about you PAY for it-why the hell should money be poured into the public school system?if you really care for your kids you would be paying for the best education not taking handouts from the government then complaining about the school system.

How many worthless dole bludgers have iphones, cable tv etc and then run to st vinnies for handouts because they have racked up mobile phone bills and can't feed their kids.


I think you are unfairly judging those with a severe disability who were born this way and depend on family support for everything. I was a bit miffed at this part of your post and obviously you don't have much compassion for those less fortunate than yourself. Its called being selfish !!

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 40 of 161
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