Men in Blue ties.

The new Cabinet certainly vindicates former PM Gillards statements regarding "Men in Blue Ties'' Smiley Happy

one female minister. ms bishop.. the rest are men in blue ties.. dear me, more than half of the population represented by 1 person.. Ms Bishop.. misogyny ++++

Message 1 of 130
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129 REPLIES 129

Re: Men in Blue ties.

@master*and*commander wrote:

@jethro_woolfe wrote:

@master*and*commander wrote:

You will find that many of the countries which have more women in cabinet in Australia have less men per capita to fill the positions. Reasons being that many of those counties have high expectations that their male population will become involved in their military. You cannot compare countries of such diversity without looking at their cultural structure and economic framework.

 The other Australian political parties seem to manage OK . that is a lame excuse.

The likes of Frank Lowry, Paul Ramsay and Gordon Merchant seem to manage OK in the capital growth stakes, by your anaology, every Australian should be able to achieve the same.

 I don't follow you. what have those gentlemen to do with proportional representation ? this is not about capital, the issue is a genuine system of representation. Having half the population represented disproportionally is the issue and a huge backward step.

Message 61 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

@jethro_woolfe wrote:

@master*and*commander wrote:

@jethro_woolfe wrote:

@master*and*commander wrote:

You will find that many of the countries which have more women in cabinet in Australia have less men per capita to fill the positions. Reasons being that many of those counties have high expectations that their male population will become involved in their military. You cannot compare countries of such diversity without looking at their cultural structure and economic framework.

 The other Australian political parties seem to manage OK . that is a lame excuse.

The likes of Frank Lowry, Paul Ramsay and Gordon Merchant seem to manage OK in the capital growth stakes, by your anaology, every Australian should be able to achieve the same.

 I don't follow you. what have those gentlemen to do with proportional representation ? this is not about capital, the issue is a genuine system of representation. Having half the population represented disproportionally is the issue and a huge backward step.

Ok, lets not concentrate on capital then, how about sports. Australia has significant involvement in sport, how many of those people rise to the top?


Those that do don't do so because they are a man or a woman, they do so because they are good, they raise to the top because they earned it. They rise to the top based on merit.


Is it not possible that at this time in history, the current government simply feels that of their available candidates, they have awarded those most qualified for the positions and it just so happens that the majority of those are men?

Message 62 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

@jethro_woolfe wrote:

@master*and*commander wrote:

@jethro_woolfe wrote:

@master*and*commander wrote:

You will find that many of the countries which have more women in cabinet in Australia have less men per capita to fill the positions. Reasons being that many of those counties have high expectations that their male population will become involved in their military. You cannot compare countries of such diversity without looking at their cultural structure and economic framework.

 The other Australian political parties seem to manage OK . that is a lame excuse.

The likes of Frank Lowry, Paul Ramsay and Gordon Merchant seem to manage OK in the capital growth stakes, by your anaology, every Australian should be able to achieve the same.

 I don't follow you. what have those gentlemen to do with proportional representation ? this is not about capital, the issue is a genuine system of representation. Having half the population represented disproportionally is the issue and a huge backward step.

No man OR woman should be given a job for any other reason than capability. They should not be employed based on their gender. They should not be employed simply to do their jobs. I would much rather have people who are capable of doing the job that they are employed to do.


For whatever reason, Tony Abbott has been elected as our Prime Minister. He wasn't a hidden entity, he wasn't a surprise, the Australian public have had a lot of opportunity to evaluate his beliefs and knowing his strong points AND weak points, they decided to elect the party into leadership of which he was the leader. 


As the leader of our country he has the responsibility to appoint people to assist him in this task that he has confidence in. If he doesn't have confidence that someone can do their job effectively and unmonitored, then how is he supposed to do his job effectively?


Maybe he does have old fashioned ideas about women, if women (or the majority of the population) believed that or were concerned about it, they certainly had the opportunity to vote accordingly and prevent him from becoming the leader of our country.


If a leader has confidence in his team, then it gives him a better chance of doing his job effectively, and when it comes to running our country, that is my only requirement.

Message 63 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

 I don't agree that the public had time to know what he was offering them...I don't even feel that was where the focus was .


Tony Abbott said No worker would be worse off under a Coalition Government..

however released details on his child care and aged care policies late and without a press conference to make the public fully aware....the policy on aged care alone wil see many workers worse off 



Message 64 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

and the vast majority .. female workers too 



edited to add...and harder for  those who use aged care and child care also

Message 65 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

I see Gender Wars is still running on this venue.


Is this a JOOLYA!!! legacy

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 66 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

The above is Tony Abbott's policies Poddster .

Call it gender war if you like though fits

class war too maybe 



and makes his claim about no Australian worker being worse off... A Lie 

Message 67 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

IMO and how I see it, many here have already made up their minds that this government will fail regardless. Minds made up before the election in fact.


The Liberal party was overwhelmingly voted in by the people of Australia. It wasn't a mistake.


Look at the positives rather than the negatives.  All this negativity appears to have taken over lives. Breath the air, enjoy your life rather than looking at the dark side all the time. Life is too short.



Message 68 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

@izabsmiling wrote:

 I don't agree that the public had time to know what he was offering them...I don't even feel that was where the focus was .


Tony Abbott said No worker would be worse off under a Coalition Government..

however released details on his child care and aged care policies late and without a press conference to make the public fully aware....the policy on aged care alone wil see many workers worse off 



You have biased tunnel vision.


I said that the public had plenty of time to evaluate the type of person he was as portrayed in the media. He is not new, it was not a secret that should Liberal win that it was likely he would be the Prime Minister.


The man has not even had a chance to do his job yet, but you are already predicting the outcomes. He more than likely has a few years to do his job.


How do you know they will be worse off? Are you able to predict the future? How will these workers be worse off? Perhaps there will be benefits to counteract what you see as detriments in your premature determination to diminish a person's acheivements  who as yet has not even had time to start his job.


Please do not misunderstand me, I am not saying that the man is perfect, nor that he will not make mistakes, the later is inevitable, but as yet, you do not know if the man is capable of doing the job or not. As yet, you do not know the overall long term effects or fruitioin of any of his plans and policies.


Message 69 of 130
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Re: Men in Blue ties.

@poddster wrote:

I see Gender Wars is still running on this venue.


Is this a JOOLYA!!! legacy

A small amount of respect for our former Prime Minister to prevent yourself from looking like an ignorant fool wouldn't go astray. Her name is Julia.

Message 70 of 130
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