Mortified that I may have caused offence to some in the gay community who misunderstood my clumsily worded point in chat on @theprojecttv
on โ17-10-2014 09:55 AM
Mia Freedman criticised for comparing gay people to paedophiles
and she did this on NATIONAL TV
SO let the OUTRAGE begin over Mia Freedman and her comments
on โ17-10-2014 10:17 AM
i agree.
on โ17-10-2014 10:17 AM
I think I get what she is trying to say albeit extremely badly.
My view.
Paedophiles in her opinion can not be rehabilitated as they can't or don't want to change who they are sexually attracted to.
What she then should have said . Heterosexual people can't be rehabilitated to become homosexual and vice versa, so why would someone think paedophiles can be changed.
I think the general public would accept that statement more easily.
Well excxept for those who will find fault in anything anyone says.
on โ17-10-2014 10:17 AM
@*julia*2010 wrote:its not like her to say something like that.
has she responded? explained?
Mia Freedman โ @MiaFreedman Follow
Mortified that I may have caused offence to some in the gay community who misunderstood my clumsily worded point in chat on @theprojecttv
on โ17-10-2014 10:22 AM
@azureline** wrote:who is she?
She's an editor and founder of mamamia online magazine/news site.
Context is what is missing with all the outrage. There is a video on the 3rd link in the op or go to the project website in tenplay to watch.
It was a comparison of sorts. She said we accept that gay people don't choose to love the same sex so why do we think we can change who these people "love". I want to know where they are. It's about keeping children safe.... or words to that effect, in a slightly less jumbled way than I've posted.
on โ17-10-2014 10:22 AM
What she actually said is:
โWe accept that gay people canโt change who they love and who theyโre sexually attracted to, so why do we think that people who are sexually attracted to children can be rehabilitated?โ
And she is probably right; the point is that gay people have sex with another consenting adult, which is fine. Paedophiles want to have sex with minors, which is not OK. So, while it may not be possible to stop paedophiles to be turned on by kids, it does not mean it should be made legal.
on โ17-10-2014 10:22 AM
on โ17-10-2014 10:23 AM
Why did she compare Gays to paedophiles? and their prefernces? , why did she make that comparison, it's like saying straight people are like paedophiles. She made the comparison and she should be called out for it.
Calling semantics or taken out of context when they try to cover a vile slur on gays is not going to wash but the left will see it differently as usual, will make excuses for it, will gloss it over.
on โ17-10-2014 10:24 AM
@lightningdance wrote:I'm appalled that she has the mind set to say this. She said it so she thinks it, what a disgrace and a phony. Her social media and her blog site is inumdated with the people she insulted and I don't blame them.
Surely we have moved on from this mind set, surely we can see our gay friends and relatives, our loved ones, as valuable members of our society the same all society and not to be compared to child rapists and peds.
In all fairness she did not denigrate gays or say they were the same as peadophiles. She said we accept they can't change so why do we expect pedophiles can be rehabilitated.
on โ17-10-2014 10:24 AM
yeah, some ppl need to calm down.
what she said was in no way meant
to be offensive.
some believe gay people can be
'rehabilitated' - she clearly does not believe
that. that was her point. she has never
been anti-gay.
on โ17-10-2014 10:25 AM
As an avid supporter of same sex marriage and gay rights I think too it was simply a bad comparison. I also knew what she trying to say, albeit very badly.