Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?

Michaelia Cash forced to withdraw threat to reveal rumours about women in Shorten's office




Governments are often called 'out of control'


but i think most of us would have to say this federal govt is about as bad a govt the country has ever endured.


they are lurching from one massive screwup to the next.

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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?

Sukey take it off again,

Sukey take it off again

Sukey take it off again


You've scared them all away!

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?

Sukey take it off again,

Sukey take it off again

Sukey take it off again


You've scared them all away!



Message 12 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?




The woman of a 1,000 faces and none of them are flattering.

michaela Cash bgf.jpg


Not so long ago-fortunately audio only---The screech





Message 13 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?

So ( apparently ) she was being bullied by Sen Cameron, poor baby   .....   IMO she def knew the press were being tipped off re the raid 'n now she is running scared   ..... Anger is born of fear, as they say

Message 14 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?


Message 15 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?

What was that about making Parliament House a better workplace for women?




Saw our wonderful PM standing up for womens rights last night,


Well one womans, his friend and collegue Ms Cash, he doesnt see a problem with what she did or said as long as she said sorry!

Kind of.

Message 16 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?


Message 17 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?

Michaeliamand screen.jpg

Message 18 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?


Michaelia Cash forced to withdraw threat to reveal rumours about women in Shorten's office





Apparently the good Senator has built up numerous "files" on Opposition Members staff just in case she needs to try to silence criticism of her mismanagement by threatening to exposed those members staff. I guess we can't expect Turnbull to pull her into line. Even Toxic Tony Abbott said she was out of order.

Message 19 of 26
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Re: Michaelia Cash, how is this idiot still in govt?

someone said she wore 'Crocs' to work!


but it was just she has shot herself in the foot so many times!!



Message 20 of 26
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