on 16-06-2013 01:40 PM
Do you think these pictures of Nigella Lawson should have been published?
I see it as a gross invasion of privacy, and i'm stunned that the photographer felt it more appropriate to take pictures, than to ask her if she was ok.
on 16-06-2013 07:24 PM
He is also a recluse and is rarely seen in public.
on 16-06-2013 08:28 PM
on 16-06-2013 08:35 PM
All women bashers should be publicly shamed! And I agree with buzz....too many women won't leave and need something drastic to happen before they face up to it.
on 16-06-2013 09:20 PM
There appears to be have been an argument and witnesses to support that.
I don't believe them.
If they were arguing and then he had his hands around her throat, wouldn't have someone at the restaurant have made a move?
If a couple next to me were having an argument, and the woman was distressed, and then he started putting his hands around her neck (regardless of whether he was trying to strangle her or simply threatening her), I'd be out of my chair and by her side so fast he wouldn't have time to think.
And even if the 'witnesses' didn't have the gumption to take action themselves, wouldn't someone have called the police.
Also he's been married a few times and at least one of those exes likes to bag him in public. If he was violent, it would have come out by now.
Sorry - but I doubt very much that the photos show what we are being led to believe.
on 16-06-2013 09:36 PM
Sorry - but I doubt very much that the photos show what we are being led to believe.
I hope you are right, but I doubt it.
Whatever was happening, that's no way to treat the woman you apparently love, in public or in private. It didn't look like foreplay to me when Nigella left teary.
If any person were to put their hand around my throat in a restaurant in public or in private they'd better hope that I hadn't ordered a great big, tough steak...
on 16-06-2013 09:45 PM
Very odd behaviour in public, what if this aggression (?) is something that has just developed and he wasn't like that with previous partners?
He didn't actually try and strangle her, so that is why nobody else stepped in? They may have been waiting to, if it got more serious?
on 16-06-2013 09:53 PM
You think they would wait until she turned blue?
If they were arguing and then he put his hands to his throat, i still think people around them would have taken action.
on 16-06-2013 09:56 PM
on 16-06-2013 10:00 PM
I could be wrong. Maybe there is violence occurring. Who knows.
But I had a bad flu coming on a couple of weeks ago and hubby was feeling my glands. If I was famous, and in a public place, and the paparazzi were around, it could have looked incriminating.
She may look upset (or just felt awful cause she had the flu?) but she certainly didn't look alarmed in any way when he was 'choking' her.
Anyway I am sure they will clear it up with a statement soon enough.
on 16-06-2013 10:01 PM
No, he may not have been applying that much pressure. If she thought he was strangling her wouldn't she call out or try to run away. What he did may have been threatening but not actually doing it.
He smokes, which is why they sit at outside tables when eating out. Her first husband died of throat cancer.
She was very upset when walking out of the restaurant and to the car. In a UK news story, it said he stormed off before she left the restaurant.
Whatever he was doing/saying it upset her imo.