on โ10-03-2013 11:33 AM
You know when you get those moments where you feel you just have to scream? (even if it's an internal scream?)..... I'm having one of those lately....(lets call it an extended moment).....Doesn't have to be much that does it, but it's the last straw kinda thing?
The temperamental weather, Fires, floods, cyclones, bills, global warming (isn't everything about Global warming?)....Politics, crime, more bills, droning pollies, diminishing hospital services, more crime & more bills....Till you can't find ya bum with both hands....let alone think straight?
You look on the bright side till your eyes bleed, but eventually the BS meter tips to overload & you turn into a ballistic missile?? What 'cheeses you off' & tips your BS meter to overload?
on โ10-03-2013 08:52 PM
My MIL plays golf 3 times a week and she's 84. Slowing down a bit now though. I've never had any issues with her....she'll sit down and have a beer and a laugh with any age group (not a drunk...she drinks light beer). Most of my friends think she's really cool for an 84 y.o.....I must be one of the lucky ones.
on โ11-03-2013 02:00 PM
Cat mioux the cool change is promised for Thursday in Melbourne. After that the days
should be in the 20s. I can't wait, I haven't got aircon either and can get struggle through the days but the nights are awful.
on โ11-03-2013 02:21 PM
Cat mioux the cool change is promised for Thursday in Melbourne. After that the days
should be in the 20s. I can't wait, I haven't got aircon either and can get struggle through the days but the nights are awful.
Bright I've been watching the weather reports too, hoping the cool change will come earlier than expected....I can't regulate my body temp (fibromyalgia) and sometimes I actually feel chilled for a few seconds when it's very hot.
I've just taped a tarp over the glass french doors. I've got 2 fans blowing and iced bottled water in front of them.
I'm planning to pop open the champagne when the cool change arrives. :^O
Oh I forgot. It IS Autumn ๐
Stay cool :-x
on โ11-03-2013 02:51 PM
I call it my pre-christmas meltdown. And it usually happens around November.
on โ11-03-2013 05:40 PM
I have a meltdown during christmas, and I'll probably have another one soon
on โ11-03-2013 06:21 PM
If I had the energy to scream I would....I admit that I laughed at those grumbling about the hot weather 2 months ago as we always have some hot weaher in summer, but I am now joining them and grumbling. Enough is enough.
on โ11-03-2013 06:28 PM
My turn for The Scream - recently spent a long email to an overseas epal after she
asked my advice about something. Wouldn't have given it but she did ASK.
So on and I go and really based on my experience it was pretty good advice, so just now
get a reply saying thanks for your advice but it wouldn't work for me.
Just going to find the pillow so I can have another Scream.
on โ11-03-2013 08:23 PM
My turn for The Scream - recently spent a long email to an overseas epal after she
asked my advice about something.
On an American board I post on somebody started a thread asking if there were any Aussies there. Then asked if we happened to know named person who lives in Perth. Wow dumb American thinking all Aussies know each other. You'd be hard pressed to find a person on an Australian based board with lots of Aussies let alone on a US board with about 8 Aussies all up.
She wanted to contact this author. So eventually I found what book she was talking about, it was written for high school teachers to use as a resource, and tracked down who the publisher was the book was no longer for sale retail. I told her to contact the publisher.
"Oh thanks it's not important I guess"
๐ I kind of came away with the impression she was hoping the author would send her a free copy of the book? Once I mentioned contacting the publisher to arrange purchasing it she dropped it.
Lesson learned. Tell people to google.
on โ11-03-2013 09:51 PM
What 'cheeses you off' & tips your BS meter to overload?
people constantly sprouting BS and you just have to stand back and wait for the fall out and not say what you really want to say:|
on โ18-03-2013 08:40 PM
Mine gotten...don't these 'spam' political threads make ya wanna scream?
Can't anyone visit here without the boring Rubbish one person needs to keep spewing forth like anyone gives a damn?