People smuggling question

When people purchase their place in the boat, what is the arrangement? Is it that you will be brought to Australia to be processed as a refugee at the appropriate place or that you will be brought to Australia and landed on an isolated bit of coastland where you will be secretly integrated as an illegal immigrant? Or something else? Are the people in the centres those who were caught by the coast watch and are there a lot who arrive undetected?
I am so ignorant about this.
Message 1 of 72
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People smuggling question

thinkin' that she-elephant could pen a ditty about abbott's great sovereign borders scam

to the tune of rickety tickety tin 

Message 11 of 72
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People smuggling question

Dr Karl was a refugee and his Dad was a people smuggler

Message 12 of 72
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People smuggling question

One man's people smuggler is another man's travel agent.
Message 13 of 72
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People smuggling question

I think its like those travel posters of exotic locations you see plastered on the walls at Centrelink
Message 14 of 72
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People smuggling question

Note the blood soaked streets
The harsh reality is these poor people have had to endure this for 10 years now with no end in sight.Mission accomplished.Thank you liberators.
Message 15 of 72
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People smuggling question

@spotweldersfriend wrote:
I think its like those travel posters of exotic locations you see plastered on the walls at Centrelink

I'm guessing I'll get reported because we're only allowed to post pics by Pickering and Co of Labor pollies getting decapitated.  


I wonder if a few limbs short makes one an economic refugee?

Message 16 of 72
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People smuggling question

just been watchin' turnbull in rockingham, on skynews, say more appallin' lies about libbo's crook nbn fttn plan 

Message 17 of 72
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People smuggling question

apporrogies, wrong thread.

Message 18 of 72
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People smuggling question

@not_an_eloi wrote:

just been watchin' turnbull in rockingham, on skynews, say more appallin' lies about libbo's crook nbn fttn plan 

Yeah wrong thread but Turdbull has confirmed he will slug Aussies big time for FTTP


Yep, it's an Albo press release, with links to source interview.

Message 19 of 72
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People smuggling question

@*elizabeths-mum* wrote:
Looking further, this article (which may be based in hysteria) seems to imply that there are people living illegally in Australia?

50,000 at any one time.  They arrived by plane.


Message 20 of 72
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