on 08-03-2014 02:29 PM
Malaysia Airlines says one of its planes has gone missing on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board.
A statement from the airline says flight MH370 lost contact with air traffic controllers at 2:40am local time, just over two hours into the flight.
The plane, a Boeing 777-200, left Kuala Lumpur at 12:41am on Saturday, and had been due to arrive in Beijing at 6:30am local time.
The company says the plane was carrying 227 passengers, including two infants, and 12 crew members.
The airline says it is contacting the next-of-kin of all passengers and crew, which includes people of 13 different nationalities.
In a statement on the airline's website, group chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said the airline was working with authorities to locate the aircraft.
"Focus of the airline is to work with the emergency responders and authorities and mobilise its full support," the statement said.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with all affected passengers and crew and their family members."
The airline says it will provide regular updates on its website.
The ABC understand Malaysia Airlines will hold a press conference on the incident shortly.
on 12-03-2014 06:14 PM
replying to sheheffalump:....
paintsew007 wrote:
As has already been mentioned in this discussion - the plane/debris is nowhere to be seen. The black box emits a signal for 30 days - yet (conveniently) is mentioned in this discussion that last time this type of similar event occurred the black box was faulty.
Laser Radar.
Thermo Nucleic Devices.
Laser Microwave.
Satellite Weapons............
A vaporized plane would probably not leave an intact black box behind - nor any debris.
Then sheheffalump asks monman(John) for his eggspurt opinion, asking, in ref to my original statments:"Question for Monman: John, would any of the above mentioned weapons be capable of 'vaporising' a plane to the extent that there was no debris left? Also could it be done without causing a massive energy burst that would be either seen heard or detected on radar over a wide area?".
John baby answers unscientifically saying that NOTHING would pick up heat sources or plumes or light from an explosion!! *wow.....what an eggspurt .....accuses me of being a conspiracy theorist for the umpteenth time etc etc.
I have never claimed to be an expert......just going on common sense and method of deduction here.
There are only a few reasons as to why the plane has disappeared and the obvious ones are not being openly discussed-rather refuted strongly by throwing derision and verbal ridicule my way. .......wow.
see my earlier post no. 83: "....
However, there's an "off chance," Weeden says, that a super secret U.S. government satellite orbiting 22,000 miles in space might have grabbed evidence. These satellites are in geosynchronous orbit. As a group, they can observe virtually the entire globe. "We know that their mission is to detect ballistic missile launches via heat," says Weeden, now a technical adviser for Secure World Foundation. "We don't know if they're sensitive enough to track something like a bomb blast, even if that's what happened."
Then there's another unanswerable question: Would the government hesitate to release such an image for fear of revealing the satellite system's ultraclassified capability?"
.....watch this space : scenario..... in the next day or two 'a' black box will 'resurface' that will be 'faulty'......some sort of unidentified debris will also be shown to the media etc etc. To shut everyone up and console the poor family members and friends.
on 12-03-2014 06:26 PM
John baby answers unscientifically saying that NOTHING would pick up heat sources or plumes or light from an explosion!! *wow.....what an eggspurt ..
What John actually said was: search radars would not normally detect a thermal bloom from a massive energy burst, however there are more than enough satellites "up there" designed to detect just that.
.accuses me of being a conspiracy theorist
It's not an accusation, Paints, you do believe in conspiracies. You believe there is a conspiracy to hide the truth about this plane crash and you believe there is a conspiracy to hide the truth about 'chemtrails.'
Whether those beliefs are credible or merely chuckleworthy is a matter of opinion.
12-03-2014 06:41 PM - edited 12-03-2014 06:44 PM
again I am being accused of being a believer in 'conspiracy theories'.....and sheheffalump speaks incorrectly for me putting words in my mouth!
....she says"It's not an accusation, Paints, you do believe in conspiracies. You believe there is a conspiracy to hide the truth about this plane crash and you believe there is a conspiracy to hide the truth about 'chemtrails.'
Whether those beliefs are credible or merely chuckleworthy is a matter of opinion."
I have stated on more than one occasion.....I do not believe in much at all .....I do agree with several opinions to explain many scenarios for many unexplained events. I do get very suspicious of the reasons behind people who post derogatory comments directed personally.....and I do get even more suspicious when personal attacks are carried out en masse in a pack in a very short period ....as if this sort of attack will shut me down/shut me up?
Makes me think that there may be some credence to my suggestions to date on this missing plane event.
Have I committed a crime?.....AAAAaaah! You are trying to make me 'feel' like I have perhaps?
on 12-03-2014 06:51 PM
.....watch this space : scenario..... in the next day or two 'a' black box will 'resurface' that will be 'faulty'......some sort of unidentified debris will also be shown to the media etc etc. To shut everyone up and console the poor family members and friends.
Or in other words - a conspiracy to deceive the public about what really happened to the plane.
on 12-03-2014 07:01 PM
on 12-03-2014 07:10 PM
P007 appears to have escaped from some kindergarten. Pathetic really.
on 12-03-2014 08:23 PM
Well if you want a conspiracy theory, maybe this is where it ended up:
After all, what use is a brand new multi million dollar airport if you don't have your very own airline to go with it?
on 12-03-2014 08:30 PM
I hope there are some answers soon. I cannot imagine the anguish the families are going through.
on 12-03-2014 08:30 PM
@ca04 wrote:Water inhibits radio so yes it could prevent the signal.
It may be plausible to listen at water level with an underwater
aerial but then it is not sonics.
The last plane that disapeared like this but a piece of tail was
found and it was in deeper water took 3 years to find the actual plane.
The reported sightings are becoming confusing added to which some
reports of the Airline holding back details of some outo transmitted data
is not helping.
Which plane was that?
It's very confusing, you'd expect something from the pilots to indicate a problem, although I did see today someone saying the pilot had a history of inviting passengers into the cockpit? For no information from the blackbox, and dropping off the radar that quickly with no wreckage, very odd.
on 12-03-2014 08:39 PM