Rudd pats disabled woman's head


And people think this man is PM material???? 


But I guess he is a somebody again so it really does not matter who he pats on the head... so long as he can pat himself on the back for getting his old job back. 

Message 1 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

Comedian Stella Young, who is also a disability campaigner, says the prime minister's behaviour shows Australians have a long way to go to change patronising and disrespectful attitudes.


Ms Young says disabled and short-statured people are considered cute or a novelty and aren't treated with the dignity and respect afforded to others.

"When you face those attitudes on the bus or on the train or at the supermarket, it's pretty awful.

"But when you're faced with these attitudes by the prime minister of the nation, it's absolutely gobsmacking," she told AAP.




Stella Young is an amazing woman that I respect and admire greatly.... I listen to a lot of what she says and think she speaks from a place of experience.... I think Stella is 100% correct.... some people have a HUGE way to go if they think it is appropriate to do what Rudd did. 



Message 11 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

Hmmmm... I may have to find a "pat on head' smiley, for when I fee patronising 🙂

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 12 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

I am more concerned how the disabled woman and her carer felt at the time, than some lady who gets her story published on a slow news day.

Message 13 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

@poddster wrote:

Hmmmm... I may have to find a "pat on head' smiley, for when I fee patronising 🙂

Better make it a ruffle the hair one instead.Smiley Happy



Message 14 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

@am*3 wrote:

Yes, I did. A person who was not there, nor knows the disabled woman wrote it, also threw in the bit about short statured woman.. a big rant.

Yep... Stella Young knows nothing on the subject.... 


Stella Young

Message 15 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

Message 16 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

I did not say she knows nothing about disabled persons. I did say she wasn't there at the time of the hair ruffling. I don't know what short statured people have to do with the disabled woman in the wheel chair in the news story. Is the story about the disabled woman and Mr Rudd or a rant in general about disabled persons/short statured persons?

Message 17 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

pat on head.gif

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 18 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head

PM is becoming passé,  first we had Petticoat Mysogony, now Pat Man. I suggest  we try a new title/abbreviation, PW, Penny Wong.



Message 19 of 39
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Rudd pats disabled woman's head


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 20 of 39
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