Seriously and calmly can ....

... can anyone ratify this  or give context ?



Message 1 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

Their self written big book of bs is where it came from


Just like everything else they dribble on here

Message 61 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

Pity they are not as aware here - as on the US - Rules of Engagement :


  1. Help keep the Community clean.
    Please report inappropriate behavior. If you see any offensive, abusive, patently false, or otherwise inappropriate content (including posts, pictures, and videos), please click on the “Report Inappropriate Content” link that is attached to the post or private message.  This will alert the moderators and they can look into the issue. We do ask that you only submit one report per post.  eBay will not discuss actions taken on a user with any other user. The reporting function is anonymous.



Message 62 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

It's there.


On the right hand side drop down menu -


“Report Inappropriate Content” l

Message 63 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

LOL - that has always been there.


What's not there - is this particular rule of engagement.


patently false, or otherwise inappropriate content (including posts,



Message 64 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

The Pacific Ocean "pond" 

Message 65 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

I did not note the original source video which this clip is small part of


I thought I would get banished from this forum as considered by Australian values , realities & prospective would be considered er "over the top " and disturbing to our no worries society 


However to be fair the American publisher would view some events in Australia differently because of different manner of how society conducts itself so would view some events in Australian alarmingly ie our involvement of army , police in non-criminal welfare programs 

Message 66 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

Well i think i have gathered enough pertinent thoughts and opinions regarding the subject matter to feel confident to lodge a rebuttal in comments of the original source video 


I do not mind people having extreme non-conformist world views but blatant distortions should be challenged or corrections offered   

Message 67 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

@rogespeed wrote:

Well i think i have gathered enough pertinent thoughts and opinions regarding the subject matter to feel confident to lodge a rebuttal in comments of the original source video 


I do not mind people having extreme non-conformist world views but blatant distortions should be challenged or corrections offered   



OK, it was obvious to me that this was incorrect info right from the start.  What we have to remember is there are probably 3 unrelated things with this video. Firstly is the guy talking about his lady friend who has supposedly had her dole cut and bank frozen. If he's not mischief making / hoaxing then he's probably guilty of going off h-a-l-f  c-o-c-k-e-d and not contacting her properly to confirm if her facts were true.  The second unrelated thing is Max Igan's reaction to this. It's obvious he never got his facts right. Also he is probably unonnected to  the guy and the girl. And then there is the person that uploaded this to YouTube. They probably have only just heard of Max Igan.


There are at least 3 different versions of this thing. There's also a clip of the guy talking about this issue with his lady friend that doesn't include the segment with Igan.


There is a possibility too that Igan may not really be fighting against the people he claims to and he is pulling a stunt to discredit the stance of health sovereignty!  ((($$$$$???))) Just a consideration. Or reckless Igan may have fallen into a trap by taking the bait and said what he said without doing any prior research.


Daniel Andrews is a nasty brute wannabe and I wouldn't put it past him to do a thing like this if he had the means. Obviously he hasn't. However, pushing a state into a state of disrepair is a still a NO NO. Now that's something terrifying .... .... .. yeah and he's done that!  He certainly has no problem with people losing their jobs, l status, livelihood,  marriage & family stability well being and sanity just for protecting their health and biological sovereignty!

He's not a man that one would consider to be decent! Some may say that this man is unique in what he has done in such a short time.

Message 68 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

@4channel wrote:


How can people re-pay fines on time when the economy has been hammered and scrambled like a messy plate of scrambled eggs. Many people just don't have the money anyway. For heck sake, give the battlers a damned chance.




The real question on this thread was about the video.

Pure hoax.

If some woman has had money taken out of her account it won't be because she is unvaccinated, it will be for some other reason.

In Vic at the moment, unvaccinated people can shop just about anywhere, although if you try to dine in eg a bistro, they will ask to see your certificate status.

I went to a funeral recently. It was indoors and same deal, although had it been outdoors, then unvaxxed could attend. That is the same with weddings and religious services at the moment too.


I don't consider it too onerous.  Dining at a restaurant or bistro isn't exactly necessary, it's what I would call an optional extra in life. And keep in mind the system is only as strict as the individual establishment makes it. I went to a bistro recently and yes, we all had to show our phones but the young man was very pleasant and helpful about it.

My niece recently went to an extremely upscale restaurant (very wealthy boyfriend!) and no one asked to see their proof of vax. They are supposed to, though.


With regard to your question about fines. Fines are never issued on a person's ability to pay. They are issued for an offence. So for instance if you are speeding, the fine will be based on how much over the limit you went, not on your income.

If you can't afford a fine, it is best to avoid doing anything that would get you one in the first place and if you do get into trouble paying it, there may be some provision to pay in installments.


I knew a man once who had lost his licence a lot of times. And faced dozens of speeding fines. It might even have been into the hundreds. All I know is he was forever paying off debt. This was years ago and I think one fine was well over $1000 and that was for speeding and driving without a licence.


Now, he complained to anyone who would listen that the law was wrong and that there should not be speed restrictions anywhere, that people could decide for themselves what was safe and that he was an excellent driver and the fines were most unfair etc. He was unemployed and could not afford them.

Those were his sincere beliefs but the thing is, that's not the law and if you wish to flout the law you can, but you have to be ready to accept the consequences. Laws change if enough people in a population want change.


Message 69 of 84
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Seriously and calmly can ....

First post :


If it is true? From what I hear. It's the people who owe fines for "Covid offences" such as being out of their area, not wearing masks etc.. have had their accounts frozen. Not sure about the dole.


Last Post :


OK, it was obvious to me that this was incorrect info right from the start.


OK then.




Message 70 of 84
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