on 11-11-2021 10:43 PM
on 15-11-2021 04:25 AM
For the record….
15-11-2021 09:53 AM - edited 15-11-2021 09:56 AM
@springyzone wrote:
The real question on this thread was about the video.
Pure hoax.
If some woman has had money taken out of her account it won't be because she is unvaccinated, it will be for some other reason.
Yes, I knew the video was incorrect right from the beginning but I did and still do to a degree wonder if an aspect is based on partial truth. Well, not so much the truth but rather what a woman believes has happened to her.
Yes, that's what I thought. I thought too that money was taken out due to non-payment of fines. Possibly this woman is prone to over reaction, and is panic-prone, assuming the worst.
Due to there being 4 stages in all of this, a whole lot of things can go wrong. The stages are .. .. .. (1) The woman's interpretation of her situation or what she wants others to think .. .. (2) the male friend's account of what she has said or what he has decided to say about it .. .. (3) Max Igan's account of what the female and male have said or what he has decided to say about it .. .. (4) the clip up-loader's editing and what they have chosen to present and how they have chosen to present.
Max Igan being some activist kind of a guy, an icon so I hear, has stupidly gone off half-cocked without checking the facts if they are true. Or he has another $ource of income? *wink* . One would hope that this is not the case.
@springyzone wrote:
The real question on this thread was about the video.
Pure hoax.
If some woman has had money taken out of her account it won't be because she is unvaccinated, it will be for some other reason.
In Vic at the moment, unvaccinated people can shop just about anywhere, although if you try to dine in eg a bistro, they will ask to see your certificate status.
I went to a funeral recently. It was indoors and same deal, although had it been outdoors, then unvaxxed could attend. That is the same with weddings and religious services at the moment too.
I don't consider it too onerous. Dining at a restaurant or bistro isn't exactly necessary, it's what I would call an optional extra in life. And keep in mind the system is only as strict as the individual establishment makes it. I went to a bistro recently and yes, we all had to show our phones but the young man was very pleasant and helpful about it.
My niece recently went to an extremely upscale restaurant (very wealthy boyfriend!) and no one asked to see their proof of vax. They are supposed to, though.
With regard to your question about fines. Fines are never issued on a person's ability to pay. They are issued for an offence. So for instance if you are speeding, the fine will be based on how much over the limit you went, not on your income.
If you can't afford a fine, it is best to avoid doing anything that would get you one in the first place and if you do get into trouble paying it, there may be some provision to pay in installments.
I knew a man once who had lost his licence a lot of times. And faced dozens of speeding fines. It might even have been into the hundreds. All I know is he was forever paying off debt. This was years ago and I think one fine was well over $1000 and that was for speeding and driving without a licence.
Sorry to hear of your loss of someone in your life.
Whenever there is something that can be a hindrance to the profit pursuit of mega corporations, certain tragic things can happen to people around the time of protest. I won't go into the list but one can have an idea. "Coincidence" is how the media reports on this I believe. There are also fake alarm scenarios that emerge. It has been hypothesized on various occasion that these fake alarm scenarios about a bad situation are connected to very industry that is responsible for the that situation. If so, then what would the industry have to gain by doing such a thing? Could it be that they would have something to gain by generating a false alarm and thus discrediting activism against it.
Oil companies, logging companies, mining and other mineral companies, agri-chemical companies, genetic modification companies, pharmaceutical companies, weapons manufacturing companies etc. etc. make a lot of money. They have never engaged in any nefarious or untoward kind of behaviour and could care less if some activist or activists are a threat to their profit or reputation right? That's what their spin doctors and sympathetic talking heads in the media would have you believe.
We talk of fines etc., well I agree that if one breaks the law then they should take responsibility for their actions. The man who lost his license had no grounds to really complain. His fault. He should have just accepted it and gotten on with life father than complain about fines adding up.
Imagine in Alabama and other Southern US states in the '60s . A "Negro" man takes a drink from a water fountain reserved for only whites. He's spotted and gets a fine. Another day after having that extra coffee at the "Negro's canteen" he's busting to go to the rest room. Not wanting to relieve himself in the alley, he makes a B line for the nearest rest room. Wetting himself in public is not a good option. Coming out of the rest room he is spotted. Cop says, "Hey boy, caint ya read" as he points to the sign, WHITES ONLY. See, the COLOURED ONLY rest room is on the other side of town. Putting his hand on the law enforcement officer's shoulder, he says ... "Come on boss, give me a break, I had nowhere else to go". Policeman says ... "Git ya hands off me boy", pushes him and he he pushes him back. Next thing he's in cuffs and off to jail.
After the legal processing is done, he has a fair bit to pay doesn't he! He should be thankful the cop was only doing his job and wasn't a Eugene "Bull" Connor-influenced type.
Many people that ventured out did so knowing that our politicians are doing what they normally do. Those politicians who are not being "Gifted" are generally incompetent people from wealthy backgrounds that have no real life experience and definitely no strong core values. Kevin Rudd widely regarded as Australia's best-ever PM came from a non-affluent background, lost his father at an early age and he knows what hardship is. Labour could have been a saviour but Kevin Rudd's non-success of being re-elected signaled the demise of this party. Other parties are more interested in promoting non-traditional lifestyles or promoting racial / religious intolerance & xenophobia.
I believe if the Nationals broke away from the Liberal Party, they could regain a lot of cred. At the moment, Craig Kelly is talking the real talk.
Now we know that "vaccinated " people can spread the virus and that in other countries, Doctors are happily treating corona virus patients with early stage safe effective drugs such as ivermectin , the law should be reviewed. I'm not in favour breaking the law or revolution as the law is our stability and we don't want the alternative. There's a process to go through to refine and change laws. Honesty and integrity are what we need in people we elect. So far we have done abysmally.
on 15-11-2021 12:42 PM
……can we the heck please leave ivermectin out of these posts and off the boards! Darn it!
on 15-11-2021 12:47 PM
@janeababe wrote:……can we the heck please leave ivermectin out of these posts and off the boards! Darn it!
And invented stories about 'negroes' and links to whoever the hell is that guy.
on 15-11-2021 12:53 PM
And ranting raving spam
They have at least two of their own threads to sprout their opinions on and still repeatedly take over other member's threads with their tripe
on 15-11-2021 12:54 PM
'Tripe' is putting it nicely IMO
on 15-11-2021 12:56 PM
It is certainly easier to swallow and attracts less flies
on 15-11-2021 01:12 PM
Obtuse Codswallop.
on 15-11-2021 04:18 PM
I would really like to see a reaction - in Court - of the testimony given by the 4th witness. 🤣
on 15-11-2021 10:30 PM
It was quite effective in the context of the host video ,which is to inflammatory for me to quote here in this general fun and good times community forum
Was obviously not for those of the Australian situation
But my concern was that such a distorted video bite was ratifying peoples decision not to immigrate here or work here for awhile - so is potentially influential in creating a negative image of Australia in the minds of some , when the whole video is viewed
Some aspects of Australian conventions , such as state wide shut downs , would make Americans baulk at apparent violations of personal freedoms , but that does not make us subservient and unthinking
We have economically adapted (with some direct Govt assistance )