Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

and surrounding themselves in trees and bushland.


It seems very risky to live in these areas and very risky for the firefighters.

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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

@i-need-a-martini wrote:

We've actually been having a lot of discussion on this in our (architectural) office this week.


Australian build the most ridiculous houses for the climate. 


We are designing a house at the moment on the edge of Lane Cove National Park (in NSW) in a street where houses were lost during the fires in 1994. We were wanting the client to fire proof their house with noncombustable materials and smarter design but we couldn't convince them. We thought we might be able to talk a more sensible design through at a meeting yesterday - seeing as there are currently fires in their area - but their attitude is one of "It will never affect me as long as I clear out the gutters of dead leaves."


I cannot understand why people would choose to build anything other than a safe home if they are in a fire prone area. It makes no sense.


it does  make sense.


evolution is driven by selection. humans select for intelligence.


what you are  witnessing is evolution. 

Message 41 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

@*jimmeh* wrote:

@voodoo**works wrote:

Your tax dollars have to go to pay a man in America to rebuild his home?

Not just him. Because so many homes were destroyed they get federal aid to rebuild their houses. Some use insurance but many weren't yes, they are getting their house rebuilt for free AND complaining it's not fast enough.


Shocking that the ocean my wash away your house if you build it on a beach eh.

Insurance and govt support would surely cover people hit by inland events as well though.

Message 42 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

@voodoo**works wrote:

Your tax dollars have to go to pay a man in America to rebuild his home?

Jimmeh an is American, Voodoo, that's where he lives, works and pays his taxes.

Who is Jimmeh an?

Message 43 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

jimmeh is a yankee.

Message 44 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?


@kennedia_nigricans wrote:

jimmeh is a yankee.

Then who is jimmeh an?  Woman Frustrated

Message 45 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

@voodoo**works wrote:


@kennedia_nigricans wrote:

jimmeh is a yankee.

Then who is jimmeh an?  Woman Frustrated

you tell me.

Message 46 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

@kennedia_nigricans wrote:

@voodoo**works wrote:


@kennedia_nigricans wrote:

jimmeh is a yankee.

Then who is jimmeh an?  Woman Frustrated

you tell me.


But I'm not she_elephant LOL!!!

Message 47 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

I'd say that if Martini votes in Australia she is Australian Smiley Happy

Message 48 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

@not_an_eloi wrote:


folk who live around the current minmi fire are sayin' that they can't believe that there could be enough material to burn, given that the area was only burned to scorched earth around 15 months ago.


an added risk is,  that as availability of land becomes less and less, a lot of newer suburbs are built on outer peninsulas and along ridges, where there is only one road in and out. 

I have to have two magor clean ups around here ever year to remove and burn sticks and leaf litter from native trees, so 15 months is a lot of fuel on the ground


Message 49 of 56
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Re: Should there be laws to stop people living / building in bushfire prone areas?

And all those that dont think houses should be build near scub land, ytou do realise even the city center was once bush land and surounded by scrub

Message 50 of 56
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